Sunday, February 9, 2014

Happy Year of the Horse!

We, the Edwards family had another first here in California.  Three stops down from us on the Metro is Chinatown.  Now, I am not a huge fan of Chinese food and I am pretty ignorant of all things Chinese so we have not ventured to this much talked about area.  Well, Saturday Feb. 1st, we decided to take a friend's advice and go to the Chinese New Year Celebration Parade.  I was so proud of us for A. having the courage to take the Metro- its the first time we've been on since our Long Beach fiasco  B.  filing into the streets of Chinatown with hordes of other people (don't forget our introvert-ness) and C.  enjoy ourselves despite the very "city feel" of it all- we are country mice, all three.

We saw dragons and drums, masks and bands, and countless TV personalities, news anchors and politicians, of which I knew zero.  Our ignorance of Chinese culture and lack of cable television (even the main channels) was very evident.  We enjoyed ourselves so much though and I can honestly say that now that introductions have been made, I am genuinely interested in the chance to learn more about Chinese culture. Maybe I will go to a museum next.  Thats how learning is, you think you are not interested in something because you know nothing about it, then you learn one or two things on the subject and you can't stop learning about it.  We even ordered Chinese food that night to celebrate! The next day was Super Bowl Sunday.  We did not even watch the game.  Terrible Americans.  Anyway, we enjoyed the heck out of the day despite (and probably because of) the fact that we missed out on all the great, or not so great, football and commercials.

I had a rough few days at the beginning of the next week.  Son George tested me at every turn and said some pretty nasty things to me.  I disciplined appropriately (I hope and pray) and we moved on.  After I talked with my new neighbor friend about it, she must have sensed that I had neared the end of my rope because she offered to watch George for a few hours on Thursday.  Since I worked in the classroom Tuesday and there was to be no school Thursday, I was SO GRATEFUL!  I took her up on the offer and was so touched (and really helped) by the gesture. Can you guess what I did with my free hour? Yep, you guessed it, I went for a run.
***Looking back on the calendar, this actually happened the week before the Chinese New Year and Non-Super Bowl Sunday- That tells me I need to be more attentive to my poor neglected blog***

After Non-Super Bowl Sunday we had a visitor!  Pam was two years behind George in UNC's Orthopaedics Residency Program.  She's such a sweet girl and needed a place to stay while she interviewed here in sunny LA.  We were of course, so glad to have her.  It was nice to have an old friend here at our place.  We enjoyed sushi the night she got here and I made some gluten free curry and gluten free cookies the next night  (she's one of those gluten free peeps).  We stayed up late to catch up on all the UNC gossip.  I really miss being a part of that community.  I know I did not actually do the residency, but I became close with all George's friends and their significant others.  Seasons of life...

Wednesday night I was invited to an impromptu wine/pizza/playdate down the street.  It was at my friend "Berkeley's" house.  There were 8 kiddos and four moms.  We had a crazy fun time, with all kinds of stories left unfinished and only a couple bumps and bruises.  George has really started to open up to these kids and I think he would call them his good buddies.  Its so nice to see that.  And so easy that they are right down the street!

Thursday it RAINED.  Only the second time it has rained since we've been here.  And if you thick North Carolinians are weird because they freak out about a quarter of an inch of snow, you should see Californians in an eighth of an inch of rain.  Its pretty comical.  Also, its been cold here.  I mean, I'm talkin' in the 50s cold y'all…. OK enough with the evil.

Thursday I had the misfortune of experiencing another first, a pinched nerve and muscle spasm to follow.  Wow, I have never felt anything quite like that. I couldn't move Thursday night.  After a good night's rest, I was able to move Friday but I did not do much other than barely move, I can assure you. I was so wiped out on Friday - I guess from this muscle spasm- that we did not do a thing.  Well, I lied we had to go to the grocery store.  We didn't even have Peanut Butter, thats how bare the cupboard was.  It was really a necessity or I would not have bothered.  So that brings us to yesterday.  Big George had to be at work and so did Tyler, so George and I walked to Amara and met Lauren and Tac there to enjoy hot chocolate and churros.  The churros and chocolate were good, but the thing that really made it worth the trip was the lemonade.  I got a ginger-papalones lemonade and it really hit the spot!  I could have skipped all the chocolate and churros and fruit and marshmallows and just gotten the lemonade.  So weird to hear from me, I realize, but it is the truth.  Then we played at Central Park- Pasadena for a nice long while before heading back on our trek home.  It was 3.3 miles there and 3.3 back.  Adventure!!
Then last night George was home so we went on a search for some good Mexican food and found a great little restaurant called El Portal.  Everyone loved what they ordered and the atmosphere was perfect for a family with a rambunctious 3 year old.

Today has been another story altogether.  Somewhere in between the time we got back from church and 3:00 the stomach bug monster has been rampant.  I felt queasy during church and Georgie kept complaining of tummy aches.  I felt weak and awful when we got home so I put George to bed and got into bed myself, only to be awakened by his poor little self covered in--well, I will spare you the details but it wasn't pretty.  His sweet daddy took care of everything since I could not.  This whole afternoon little George has said the cutest (and saddest) things in between trips to the trash can or bathroom.

"I don't like this"
"This is not very fun"
"I am not having a good day"
"I am so sad"
"This is horrible"
"This is the worst"

We are so ready to be back in North Carolina where we know the germs and they know us.  We've all been so sick constantly it seems.  Keep us in your prayers 'till we can kick this bug.  Whew!

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