Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Freedom Don't Come Free

Oh sweet freedom!  Freedom to smile, freedom to laugh, freedom to talk, yell and sing.  Freedom to lick my lips and chew just a little bit.  Freedom to brush my teeth!!  Two weeks more until I can really chew anything of substance but I am here to tell you…. I don't care.  The chicken noodle soup from a can I had last night could have been prepared by Emeril Lagasse himself. I enjoyed it so much.  I also tasted some turkey that was leftover from our feast at the Cannon's house.  I could not chew it but it tasted good.  I also had sweet potato casserole, corn bread soaked in butter, a can of chicken noodles soup, a piece of real apple pie and a big bowl of cookies n cream ice cream.  Make that two bowls of ice cream.  It took me a long time to eat dinner (I started at 5:30 and finished around 10:00) but it was worth it.  I savored every morsel.  Then I brushed my teeth.  Oh what a feeling, what a marvelous feeling!  

But freedom don't come free folks.  Yesterday was a long, hard and rough day.  I was told to be at the hospital at 11:30 am.  That made the morning so long.  George tried to let me sleep in but one loud thing after another caused me to face the morning with no coffee at 7:00am.  I read my bible, straightened up a bit and took it easy.  George entertained Georgie the entire morning (which made his afternoon super long).  They had breakfast, went for a run,  went to the park and played toys.  Then we set off for the hospital.  After check-in, the Georges hung around as long as they could before the little one was too curious and energetic to take anymore.  They left around noon and I sat by myself in a loud, busy waiting room where TVs blared, cell phones dinged and buzzed, and where I heard, in unison, every language except english as loved ones loudly conversed as they waited their turn.  Finally around 1:00 they called me back and I donned my lovely gown, had an IV started, answered countless questions and watched Friends' episodes on the TV.  My roommate was a little old Asian lady who did not want to hear the TV but still wanted it on.  She was pitiful by the way.  She told every doctor that came in that she was scared and to please take care of her.  They were all caught off guard at having to extend some compassion in the middle of their busy day.  I hate to say it but it was true.  I said a few prayers for her while I sat there and waited my turn.  As miserable as I was at 2:00pm with no caffeine, water or food in my system, her continuous plea to the doctors and nurses provided me with amazing perspective.  From the conversations I overheard, she waited for a cancer removal and biopsy to see if whatever it was they intended to remove was benign or malignant.  Each time I would start to have a pity party about my jaw pain, or the fact that I had no family or friends here to wait with me, or that I was NPO after four weeks of pretty much being NPO, her frail, sweet voice would ring in my right ear, "Please take care of me doctor, I am so scared".  Bless her little sweet heart. Bless it Lord.  And thank you Lord for your grace and mercy in perspective.  SO at 2:45 they finally came for me.  I became extremely anxious on the OR table as they prepped me for surgery.  If you've never experienced this, I hope you never have to.  Face up as you stare at the ceiling tiles, the nurses and assistants contort your arms and legs into positions that are convenient for them.  You feel like a piece of meat on the slaughter board.  The staff laugh and chat jovially like its just the best day ever.  They move fast with precision and purpose and ask you pointed questions in order to make you feel like you are part of the party.  But they forget to answer them so you do not feel like part of the party.  Thanks for the effort though.  Then you see the digital clock on the wall with the time.  Just as you begin to picture yourself in an episode of Grey's Anatomy, they push that lovely Versed.  Ouch, the bolus hurts but then…oh then….you care about nada, you begin to think this IS the best day ever.  Wow, I feel great! My headache is gone, my anxiety is gone, and there's nothing going on in my head.  Complete and utter bliss.  UNTIL……here comes my doc.  That's good because he's the one we've all been waiting for to do this thing. But bad because he just rips out the wires and ruins my Versed bliss bubble.  Tears came then and did not stop until about an hour later.  The pain meds are good, and my mouth is numb but I can't stop the tears.  It doesn't hurt anymore but still I can't stop crying.  They told me I would be asleep for the procedure.  This was not so.  I am a very tough girl.  Anyone who knows me will agree.  I rarely cry because of pain.  I admit I am emotionally sensitive and shed lots of tears because of that, but physically- not much touches me.  But this I will never forget.  The nurse in recovery was very sweet and brought me tissues but she said the wrong thing to me.  She said, "Sometimes when we are really brave about surgery and then its all over, it just comes crashing down on us".  Well, two things... 1.  Whats all this "we" business and 2.  The tears were mine and I know my emotional tears from my pain tears. Those were pain tears.  I think she was right in a lot of cases and I appreciate the tissues she brought me, but she was wrong about why I cried and it really bothered me.  Then I went to recovery where the nurse brought me a cup of coffee at 3:45 pm.  What a gift.  She is my new best friend.  I think her name was Christine.  We had good talks and she never accused me of bravery.  Then we called George and he came to get me.  On the way home I heard all about the boys' day.  They rode a train at the mall, ate at Red Robin and then went to the arboretum.  Mr. Mom was on point today.  By the time we arrived home, I could tell he had had enough.  Little George out all day minus his nap is not a good combo.  Add yours truly as a patient - poor big George!  We all ate dinner together and after George bathed George, I got to read him books.  I absolutely cherished it.  Books just don't sound as good through clenched teeth.  He went straight to sleep and his parents let out a sigh of relief.  Our big day was over.    Apparently George was up twice last night with bad dreams.  When he woke up this morning I asked him what his dreams were about.  He said, "One was about mommy and the 'nother one was bout my teeth hurting" So who thinks yesterday affected him? Poor baby.   
Today was great but I am exhausted.  George called with good news/bad news.  Conference was cancelled so he was on his way home but he was sick.  Since he walked in the door he's been in bed with a fever and chills.  Role reversal.  What would we do without each other? Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers as I faced this tough season of life.  As always God was good to us and blessed us  immensely.  Thank you Lord.  

Saturday, November 23, 2013

ONE more day.

Mark your calendars for Monday at noon.  Finally I will be free of the chains!  I will have to go under anesthesia but the procedure will only take about fifteen minutes.  George took the day off so everything is squared away.  Tomorrow is my last full day of this torture.  I know it will not be an easy week as my gums heal from four screw holes and as my jaws remember how to chew but I just feel like it cannot be much worse.  I hesitate to say that…. and I will certainly let you know if I am right or wrong.  Today I busied myself with a coffee date with a new friend, a Target run and a pie.  I still love to bake, even when I cannot eat the finished product.  The pie looks beautiful and the coffee date was really fun but the Target run was the low point.  I am still not quite sure how it happened but George ended up with tee-tee in his eye (as well as a lot of other places).  It was not pretty.  Should I even publish this?  Its reality folks, I might as well.  Life is not all unicorns and rainbows.  Sometimes it includes public bathroom chaos.

Last night I made chocolate sauce that you are supposed to put on ice cream.  I ate half the jar with a spoon.  Today I made one of my favorite peanut butter dips.  You are supposed to dip graham crackers and fruit in the cream cheese, PB, and brown sugar mixture.  I think you know where this is going.  I am in full survival mode over here.  I am so over creative meals.  If you are out there with a broken jaw reading this post, just put peanut butter in the microwave and you are good to go.  Add some nutella if you want to get fancy.  Eat as much as you want.   Ok, enough of my rant.  If you don't mind, please say a prayer for us all on Monday.  Ta Ta for now!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Why is it so HARD to Schedule a HARDware Removal?

After another day of confusion and frustration, I am now finally scheduled for hardware removal on Monday morning at 11:30 am.  I will spare you the details of the many long and drawn out conversations both George and I had with the insurance company and assistants at the doctor's office.  Suffice it to say, we think these wires will be off my face by Monday evening.  Lets keep our fingers crossed.  I will tell you one thing….the assistant told me I would need to be NPO after midnight on Sunday (only because I interrupted her as she tried to say goodbye to ask this question) so I better eat a heavy dinner Sunday night.  A heavy dinner…right.  She obviously has never had her jaws wired shut  before.  There is nothing heavy about anything I eaten lately…well, I guess that half jar of melted peanut butter could be considered heavy…..

So to make Wednesday go by faster I took George to Disney.  This makes our fourth trip.  I am really gonna miss the close proximity to Disney when we move back to NC.  He met Donald who is now his favorite character apparently.
Can you believe how tall George looks?

Also worth a little shout out….IT RAINED today.  And rained hard!!  George's school was even cancelled because the power went out.  Now I know northerners make fun of Southerners when we cease to exist because of a 1/4 inch of snow but for the power to go out because of the same amount of rain is just funny to me.  It was so nice to hear the rain.  Since our bedroom used to be a sunroom the ceiling and walls are very thin and as I awoke this morning, the sound of the rain was reminiscent of a summer medium sprinkle under a tin roof.  I let myself go back to sleep and just enjoy it.  Normally I would feel bad that I have shared this with people that I know work very hard and never get this opportunity but today it just felt like a little gift from God - to me, his daughter.  Like he was trying to tell me, "I know you've been through a lot, but I will bring you through it. Enjoy this little gift of rain today".  And so I did.  We thawed out the rest of mom's spaghetti sauce tonight and the boys really enjoyed it! I enjoyed my tomato soup too for the record.  Three more days of wires.  If I can get through tomorrow, I have a busy weekend to keep me company.  Coffee with a new friend Saturday morning, then I get to bake my first apple pie of the season.  Sunday we have church and then our playoff game and then I will make cornbread.  All of these baked good will be enjoyed by others at a gathering of friends for Thanksgiving dinner Sunday night.  Maybe there will be leftovers. Then I will eat my heavy dinner of pureed corn soup and a banana milkshake.  That will be the last pureed soup and milkshake for a long long while.  I hope. And I pray.  Have a great weekend everyone!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Here's to the Land of the Long Leaf Pine

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year is upon us! BASKETBALL SEASON!  Bittersweet for me this year since I cannot watch my beloved Tarheels.  I have never missed three games in a row that I can remember and certainly have never missed an entire season.  I was present in Carmichael Stadium during the 1981-1982 season and never missed a season since.  Presence in the womb totally counts.  Thats probably why I feel like I do when the drum line starts.  That might have been one of the first loud sounds that I ever heard.  I may need lots of support to get through this.  I wonder if there is something like Alma Mater Anonymous....I may need to start one.  I know there are at least one or two Tarheels over here on the West Coast.   Good thing there's a BW3s down the street.  I have a feeling I might acquire a taste for wings in the next few months.
I want to share a link to a story about Dean Smith. Tomorrow he will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  If you know me well, you know how I feel about Dean.  If I could meet anyone who is alive today it would be him.  Even in his current state of mind I would still pick him.  In fact I feel as if I already know him since my obsession with him began when I was a child.
Here it is before you start to think I am a little too crazy about basketball.  He was a good man and coaching was just one of his many gifts.

Since we did not bring any Christmas decorations to California I guess I will have to try and get crafty.  I have a few ideas of some Christmas crafts that will help make our season merry and bright and what better place to shop than the 99 cent store!  When I emerged with my loot (all under 20.00! whoohoo. Gotta love the dollar store. Runs in my blood) I saw a bright pink piece of paper under my windshield wiper.  My first negative and skeptical thought was, "Waste of paper. WHAT now?!  (channeling my inner Bertie).  Advertisements all over the place. Leave my car alone"... Well wouldn't you know it, it was a fellow Tarheel who had apparently seen all the stickers on my car and left me a note that made me smile as big as I have since the wires were put on.
Then I felt bad about my negative attitude...

And this would be cool all on its own but I had just finished a long conversation with the cashier in Trader Joe's about how great NC is.  She checked my ID because I bought a bottle of Pinot Noir, saw the North Carolina license and said she has always thought she could move there.  She had Charlotte in mind and said the most wonderful things about our state.  She loved that the houses were all so nice and "plantation-like" and at the same time affordable.  We talked about the weather in North Cack and So Cal and we decided that California might win that battle except for the seasons.  Snow was not on either of our happy-lists.  So today was full of Carolina love and it made me so nostalgic for home.  Here's to the land of the long leaf pine.........GO HEELS!!!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hot Apple Pie? Yes Please!

All this talk about Thanksgiving has got me Jones-in' for a slice of hot apple pie.  With a little creativity, this clenched tooth girl can do anything!

Hot Applesauce Pie :

1 cup applesauce
2 Tbsp Almond Butter
Micro-wave these two ingredients for 10 seconds and repeat one or two times until the applesauce is warm.  Mine took three ten second intervals.  Stir to incorporate the AB and sauce.
Sprinkle with  cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger.  Amazingly good and simple.

You may wonder why I share all these pureed recipes with you- the ones who can chew.  When this first happened a dear friend sent me five different personal blogs that helped me out a lot as I figured out this whole wired-shut thing.  Here's hoping this post and my other puree recipes find their way into some poor soul's inbox.  Its amazing what good a little unique snack can do for your day when you are in the beginning of the fourth week in chains and have exhausted all your go-to snacks.
Also, the ones I post I feel like I will probably still eat when I am no longer bound because they are so good.  So don't be afraid to try them!
You are welcome!!

In other news, my appointment was today and honestly it made me a little frustrated.  After a wait while I entertained George, the doc bounced in and said, "Oh - you...So when are we doing this?" My only guess is that he meant, when are we taking the wires off.  Once I realized this I said, "Well, I thought next Monday".  So he calls the nurse in and says "schedule her for hardware removal".  On the way out the door he must have sensed my frustration because he put on a glove and felt the outside of my jaw.  "How does that feel?  Good, you are going to be fine.  Bone's healing great".  This all took about 90 seconds.  I didn't even get a chance to tell him I had been in a lot of pain the past week.  Then the nurse told me she would call me and tell me when the surgery to remove hardware would be.  She has to check insurance.  Two minutes total, if that.  I got myself and my kiddo dressed and prepared for two minutes of nothing.  We could have totally done this over the phone.  (The one redeeming factor is that the office is located very near one of my favorite coffee shops so I got a mocha to go)  So- I get it , I understand, medicine is not what it should be, but I am a little frustrated because I want to know exactly when these things will be removed.  Don't we always want to know exactly when and where? Lord, help me be a patient patient.  Help me trust that you have this too in your sovereign hands.  Help me not to take this out on docs and nurses, it is not their fault this happened to me.  Give me mercy and give me grace.  And give me more ideas about pureed food so I can distract myself until this nurse calls me back. :)
Friends, pray for me as I try my hardest to be patient, understanding, and flexible.  And pray that these wires will be removed sooner rather than later!

Giver of Good Gifts

I have decided that the third week of Maxillo-Mandibular Fixation is just as bad as the first week.  But in light of my decision to try and stay positive and not grumble or complain I will instead inform you that I have 7 days and 15 hours until these bles-sed (2 syllables) wires no longer bind my poor mouth.  Things went south Thursday and I have not felt well since then.  I do not feel well in general and one screw in particular has caused me to go back on narcotics for the past three nights in order to sleep.  So thats the MMF update.  Otherwise, things around here have been very laid back.

Here's a little story about God's goodness Friday night.
I felt oh-so-crummy and had actually commenced to peer into the cupboards longingly for a snack even though I knew I would find nothing to satisfy.  I was chilly and the pureed black bean soup from lunch was long gone.   Hot tea would warm me up but would leave me in need of something more.  I could make a milkshake to fill me up but it was almost time for dinner and I was cold.  The last thing I wanted was to chill myself to the bone.  Then George and George entered with the mail and a package from my dear friend Lindsay.  This girl knows me so well.  It was hot chocolate mix! But not just any hot chocolate mix....super healthy hot chocolate mix!  The ingredients written on a piece of card stock in her lovely handwriting were bound around a glass jelly jar with black and white twine and were as follows:  cocoa, maca root, coconut sugar, vanilla protein powder, and cinnamon.  Leave it to Lindsay to mail me a healthy superfood that I, the healthy eater, have never heard of.  Has anyone heard of Raw Maca Root powder?  Lindsay, put your hand down.  Apparently it nourishes the endocrine system, fights stress, increases stamina, boosts..well...uhhh...this is not the place to say that it boosts that....and combats fatigue.  Needless to say, I immediately soothed my cold, hungry self with a big mug of that chocolate-y goodness.  She also included the rest of the bag of Maca Root powder to add to my smoothies and milkshakes.  I am so thankful for Lindsay and the way she knows me so well.  And I am so thankful for the Lord who orchestrated her good deed so beautifully in order to meet my every need and at just the perfect time.  LHS-YAMS!

We had a lazy Saturday and did nothing.  Well, I did nothing and George entertained the little guy and took him all over South Pasadena so I could rest.  Sunday proved to be another wonderful Sabbath day.  I went to cheer my team for the last regular season game.  It was nice to see everyone but really hard to be on the bench.  It reminded me of the last bone I broke at the National Tournament for Club Softball in Ohio.  I sat on the bench with my team and learned for the first time how to take score- and left handedly at that.  I could not have hand picked a more caring and genuine team.  Even though my season was short with them, I appreciate and will miss them.  We won and will be in the playoffs next Sunday.

I must note that my husband has carried the weight of this whole ordeal.  He has been ON IT since the minute this terrible thing happened.  He does not think I notice all he does.  I notice that the trash gets taken out every night. I notice that the doggie poop bags were replaced.  I noticed that he cleaned my car inside and out and got Georgie a much needed haircut in the same outing. I noticed that he makes the bed if he can get to it before I do.  I notice that he disciplines our son even when it is not an efficient means to an end.  I notice how he now translates our son's full-mouthed gibberish for me, instead of the other way around.  I notice that he cleans his breakfast dishes so I do not have to.  I notice when he puts everything on hold to watch TV with me because I am bored.  I notice the way he gently encourages me every time I start to get down.  I notice that he was the one to get up with George both of these weekend mornings when we usually take turns.  I notice the way he keeps a good attitude when its definitely "his turn" to have a meltdown (we tend to take turns).  I notice that he tries his hardest to enjoy his food in the least vocal way possible because he knows how I crave what he eats.  I notice the way he takes over without complaint when I have to suddenly exit the scene of full throttle three year old and go rest.  I notice and have lost count of how many games of "airplane", "hide and seek", "trains" and "cars" in which he has played the lead role.   There is no one else who would be as patient with me as he has been.  There is no one else who would love and treat our son in the way he does.  Thanks be to God for this man in my life.

 I had a few rotten days in a row.  I was about to send out invites to a pity party.  Sunday morning in my time with the Lord he lead me to Psalm 100 and 104.
Psalm 100
"Shout for JOY to the Lord all the earth.  Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.  Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations."

The verses in Psalm 104 that stuck out to me were 14-15 and 27.
14-He makes grass grow for the cattle, and plants for man to cultivate-bringing forth food from the earth; 15-wine that gladdens the heart of man, oil to make his face shine, and bread that sustains his heart.

27- These all look to you to give them their food at the proper time. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things.

These obviously spoke to me because of the food references (have I mentioned I am tired of the liquid diet?) however I know that God speaks to us in ways we can understand. Our human nature understands food-so he puts his words in our terms.  What he gives us though is so much bigger and better than a big bowl of pasta or a hunk of french baguette.  The wine and bread and oil he speaks of is his Holy Word and his peace, hope and love.  These are the things that truly gladden our hearts, sustain us and make our faces shine.

I had to stop and remind myself of all I have to be thankful for in spite of (and even because of) this thorn in my side.  I decided to make a Psalm 100- joyful list of all these things. I will not include my list here because it is very long but it included everything from peanut butter and good drugs to more serious items like gratitude for the chance to wake up and watch my little boy play one more day.  As dire as that sounds, it is truth.  When I feel sorry for myself, I need to check myself and realize that I have the ability to FEEL.  And the ability to feel means you're alive and that, my friends, is a blessing no matter what you face.  God will give us good things.  He promises to.  Everything from grass for the cattle to wine that gladdens our hearts, and bread...oh bread....that sustains our hearts.  He will satisfy us with good things.  In fact he already has.  Make your list and you will see and know that the Lord is good.  You will feel like a sheep in his pasture, and you will experience his faithfulness as it flows through all generations.  Thanks and praise be to God.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Kinda Perfect Weekend Pictures

A Kinda Perfect Weekend. A Sorta Bad Day

If you are worried about my ability to get enough good food in me, you shouldn't.  Today for lunch I had a chocolate smoothie:
1/2 banana
1 container (about a cup) of Trader Joe's European Style Chocolate Yogurt
1 cup of soy milk
1 scoop of Soy Protein Powder
1 Tbsp Trader Joes Speculoos Cocoa Spread (Its basically cookie dough swirled with Nutella)

But on the other hand you could worry that I love this clenched teeth grin less and less every day. I want to smile BIG. I want to brush my teeth. I want to bite into my favorite fall fruit and taste the sweet crunch of the skin between my teeth.  I want to hug my son without a flinch.  I want to reach up to get the cereal down without pain.  I want to scratch my nose without the metal in my mouth piercing my lips.  This just stinks and though I am half way through, I have to just be honest- it feels like I have a long way to go.  Maybe because I began to call it 'two weeks' last Thursday and now its still 'TWO weeks' on Tuesday.  Maybe because Thanksgiving is everywhere I turn and food is on everyone's minds this month.  Maybe  because I can see my teeth as they change color because I cannot brush (sorry- GROSS, I know, but thats what I deal with every day).  Maybe because advertisements for fast food on billboards makes me drool these days. Maybe its because I am tired of the awkward explanation I feel I owe to every person with whom I talk.  Maybe its because two people have asked me if this was an elective surgery (As in- to loose weight).  My thoughts: "You have got to be kidding me right now.  Are you joking? Are you serious? I am so focused on food right now that if someone would let me out of these chains, I would eat my money's worth for the first time at Golden Corral."  A word to the wise: (and I do apologize to the person who has had this done to loose weight- I honestly hope it helped you out, really I do) This is the absolute worst way to loose weight.  There is no way I (I...me...- some others of you may have more will power than I do) would be able to keep the weight off even two days after the wires come off.  I am telling y'all as soon as I get these off I am going to KFC.  Or Carl's Jr (Hardees, east coasters) or Western Sizzlin'.  Does this sound like me? Not at all.  I feel like I might go crazy.  Maybe I already have.

So enough with the jokes- its hard but its not the worst thing.  That was just some brutal honestly for you, the ones who really care how I feel today.  BUT (there's always a "but" when we have faith in the Lord) I know God will use this to draw me closer to him.  I have thought about this a lot but no one, not even me, has been able to put it into words.  This morning I received a beautiful email from one of my biggest encouragers- my sister.   It was very timely and helped me rise above this "funk".


"Praying for you this morning. I felt like God was revealing to me his radical, extreme love for you. John 15:9 says that Jesus loves you just as the father loves him. The father loved Jesus enough to allow his crucifixion and death so that Jesus could then be glorified and his name be exalted above every name. That is crazy love. I'm not always sure I even want such love. Christ's love for you has your glorious end in mind. He'll allow insanity (maybe even a softball pegging you right on the jaw from the outfield...) to achieve glory for you, to get deeper inside you. Christ in you, your hope of glory. Watch out! He 'loves like a hurricane.' :) And if you are a tree, be a NC pine that bends like rubber and is flexible with where the spirit is blowing!"

Don't you just love her? Don't you just love that God speaks to us through our loved ones sometimes?  I sure do!  Additionally today I received emails from two different friends who had heard about what happened and THREE cards in the mail, two from my Gram'ma Margo that made me laugh out loud.  She put a smile on my face today.  Then I got another text in the later evening with promises to bring food so I could take a break from preparing meals for the Georges.  God has blessed me through my loving friends and family and he has timed each little gift so perfectly.  "Lord, you never let go of me!"

Other than drooling over billboards and a little carsickness, our weekend was kinda perfect .  Friday night we had George's friend E over.  Her parents are the ones who kept George for us when the accident happened.  E's mom had a need for a quick babysitter and called me.  Man it felt good to help- especially her and especially after I realized that two kiddos who are the same age are way easier than one.  They played the entire time.  When George got home we ate together at the kitchen table for the first time since we've been here.  G and E just played and played and played.  Date night for me and big G.  

Saturday morning we decided to go to Big Bear.  In the winter it is a ski slope about the size of Wintergreen or Winterplace on the East Coast.  In the summer and fall, mountain bikers claim the slopes.  You pay five bucks (cheap by CA standards) to ride up the chair lift, which George referred to as the "wheel chair" and then you either hike or ride your bike down.  We - obviously- hiked down and it took us about an hour.  Fresh air, lots of giggles from an out-of-control little 3 year old, picnic lunch, sunshine and a gorgeous view.  It does not get much better.  Then on our way down the mountain we saw a sign for a Mile Long Alpine Slide.   Turn this car around, that sounds fun!   It was also five bucks to ride a "wheel chair" up a little hill and then board your personal sled with a brake to control your speed.  The track was like a small bobsled half pipe.  It was really fun.  I kind of got a "South of the Border" feel from the whole place, very touristy.  Who says tourists don't have fun though?  Georgie loved it.  We loved it.  Then we headed down the mountain and I got very carsick.  Other than that it was the perfect day.  This was only an hour and a half away from our house.  Sunday we went to church and had a good Sabbath-we rested the entire afternoon.  I was able to run for 30 minutes that morning before church. It felt SO good to stretch my legs.  Then Monday we decided to go to the beach because big G had the day off.  We opted for Huntington Beach and rented a Surrey when we arrived.  George and I peddled beside each other and Georgie sat in a little basket in front.  It was kind of like a paddle boat, a lot of work but always gets a giggle out of the passengers.  Again- touristy fun.  Then we were off in search of a smoothie. We found Jan's Health Bar and it was very good.  I got a Blueberry Kale Peanut Butter Strawberry Smoothie with Raspberry juice and added chocolate soy protein.  George got date, banana and soy.  They were both fantastic.  So  Huntington Beach is in Orange County, which means you may see somewhere around four Lamborghini sports cars (I had to look up how to even spell that AND spell check made me capitalize the L) on any given weekday and everyone has one or two little dogs with them.   Everyone either looks older than they are from the sun or younger than they are because of plastic surgery.  Which makes for some very difficult people-watching.   So here we are at Jan's Health Bar with all the young/old, Lamborghini-driving, little-dog-walking, OC folks and I pull out our PB and J sandwiches to compliment the boys' smoothie because we were not about to buy lunch in such an expensive place.  I was too cheap to even use ziplock bags- the sammies were packed in the bread bag because it was the end of the loaf.  Don't act like you've never done that before.  I don't know why this tickled me so, but it did.  I love our life and would not change it for the world.  We certainly do not belong in the OC, but it sure is fun to visit!  The rest of the day we basked in the warm-you-to-the-core sun and strolled down the long pier.  We saw lots of surfers and fish from a birds eye view and my favorite sight- a lazy pelican who would not move even if touched (he was alive, because he constantly preened his feathers).  I thought of my Daddy who loves Pelicans.  He would have loved this whole scene.  I think we made the most of this holiday weekend- the mountains and snow one day and a little beachy sunburn the next.  I am so thankful for the Veterans who have made all this possible.  The ones who sacrificed for our freedom, freedom to choose where to go and when, freedom to spend that time with people we love, freedom to have a family and friends and freedom to be a tourist when we feel like it.  Thanks to the many many soldiers who have sacrificed and especially my two favorites, Grandaddy WHR and Grandfather DDB.  

Friday, November 8, 2013

Another Perfect Fall Soup

Here's another soup recipe for your weekend.  This one was found for another "wired shut" mouth and sent to me by a dear friend back in North Carolina.  Thanks MRH!!
curried butternut & apple soup

Serves 8-10 as a first course, 4-6 as a meal

1 large or 2 small butternut squash, halved vertically
2 T butter
1 T olive oil
2 medium yellow onions, chopped
2 T curry powder
3 large Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and thinly sliced
1 quart vegetable or chicken stock, divided
½ cup sour cream or 4 oz goat cheese
kosher salt
freshly ground black pepper

1 medium loaf sourdough bread, ends and toughest parts of crust cut off, cut into 1-inch cubes
1/3 cup olive oil
1 ½ t kosher salt

Preheat oven to 400.  Place squash, cut side down, in a shallow baking dish.  Add water to measure about ½ inch deep.  Bake until squash is very soft, 45 minutes to 1 hour.  Cool slightly, then scoop out seeds and discard.  Scoop flesh from skin into a bowl and coarsely mash.  Set aside.  (Note:  this soup can also be made with previously prepared squash, which makes it a great way to use up Thanksgiving leftovers.)

While squash is baking, prepare croutons.  Place bread cubes in gallon ziplock bag (you should have enough so that the bag is about ¾ full).  Drizzle oil over and sprinkle with salt.  Seal bag and shake to coat bread with oil.  Spread bread on a large, rimmed baking sheet.  When squash is removed from oven, place croutons in oven at 400, and bake 10-15 minutes, until golden brown, turning once in the middle of baking.

To make soup, heat a large pot over medium heat.  Melt butter with 1 T olive oil.  Add onions, curry powder, and apples, and sauté until onions are translucent and apples are soft, about 15 minutes.  Add mashed squash; stir to combine.  Stir in about 3 cups of stock, bring to a boil, and simmer about 10 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Puree with a hand blender, or in batches in a blender or food processor.  Return to pan over very low heat, and whisk in sour cream.  If soup is too thick, thin with more stock.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.  Serve soup warm with croutons.

 I, of course, was not able to make the croutons but I loved this soup anyway and had it for my lunch today.  To the curry I added turmeric, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, and cumin.  I also added a stalk of celery and fresh garlic to the onion and apple mixture.  I used 4 cups of veggie broth and had to add more water at the end so I could drink it, but thats just because my teeth are so dang close together.  If you like it thick and you can use your mouth and a spoon the way God intended, follow the recipe.  The hand immersion blender and I have become very close companions this week.  

Smooth Move God

Thursday was a good day. My mouth feels so much better as does the rest of me.  I felt like I could run so I tried.  I went about 5 minutes and it felt pretty good to move my legs.  The only problem is that I cannot breathe through my teeth enough to run to far or fast or uphill.  Thats okay I guess. Maybe I will try again in a couple of days.

After George's nap we had some FaceTime with Grammy.  Thank goodness for technology!! It was so good to see her face!  We then went to the Farmers Market in search of some supper.  I have to be honest, I did not expect to find a thing that would suffice for myself.  I hoped I would find a fresh juice at least.  While George was in line for his rotisserie chicken and potatoes - does anything smell quite as good as Rotisserie chicken and onion and potatoes?- I sauntered over to the Gastrobus where I usually find someone absolutely wonderful to eat.  I only went to check out the menu and drool.  Well, wouldn't you know it, they had a soup and a smoothie tonight.  Literally the menu is about 10 items at the very most, so to have soup and a smoothie was something!  I asked if the soup was pureed and the girl said sadly it was not.  But the smoothie I could eat, so I got it.  Banana, kale and dates!! What a combo.  It was really good but a little chunky and seed ridden (This reminds me of something that happened yesterday to me: if any one ever has their mouth wired shut here's a word to the wise -Chia seeds expand.  Do I need to explain? Just don't do it.)
So once again, the Lord showed he cares for me by the way he placed a unique and fun smoothie on the menu just for me. Thanks God!

So we had fun and then went home.  Although the smoothie was good, I was still hungry so ate two more mugs of the soup I made most recently.  Butternut Squash and apple!   Try it, its wonderful!!

Friday morning George woke me up and said, "I'm leaving, but little George is eating breakfast- just wanted you to know".  So I took about 5 minutes to get out of bed and then walked into the kitchen to find George perched in our recliner with his Halloween basket.  He had retrieved it himself.  It's like 6:30 in the morning y'all.  Too funny.  I said, "What on earth are you doing?"  He replied, "I ate my lunch, so I'm getting a treat".  Duh Mommy...  Since I was not awake enough to protest, he proceeded to eat his treat while I poured my first cup of coffee. I looked over and there was his plate, empty except for the crust of his egg sandwich,  exactly where I tell him to put it on the side of the sink.  He's a good boy and a crunch bar at 6:30 am never hurt ANYBODY.

The first week of an injury like mine is definitely the worst.  The second week is hard for different reasons but nowhere near as bad as that first week.  Here's hoping that the third and fourth weeks fly by!

Divine Nature, Eternal Power

The conversation I overheard yesterday at the Natural History Museum did not mean very much at the time.  Later, as I read in the first chapter of Romans, verses 18-20, it began to fit into what the Lord wanted to teach me today.
18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
As we approached an exhibit that explained evolution of man and the similarities and differences between man and ape, I heard a women as she spoke to a young boy.  Later it became evident this was not her son, maybe she was an Aunt or a good friend or a Nanny possibly.  As the boy studied the exhibit, she said to him- and this is paraphrased just to give you the gist- "Now, this is explaining that humans came from monkeys.  Its not what I believe happened. I think that humans were created separate from all other animals.  This is the kind of thing your mom would not want me talking about with you so its just my opinion but there is absolutely NO evidence that this is so.  All of this is propaganda...."On and on she went. The poor boy could not have been more than 8 years old.  I have been interested in the field of science since I was in kindergarten. I learned about Darwin and evolution in the tenth grade and I can remember the front of the text book as it depicted "ape becomes man" exactly.  It was a hard time in my life because my faith had already become very important to me so it caused me to ponder deeply about this evolution vs. creationism debate.  I will be the first to say that none of us knows with absolute certainty how we, the human race, found ourselves here, on earth.  We simply were not present, however to say that there is absolutely no evidence... Okay, before I get bogged down in an evolution vs. creationism debate this is not a post on evolution. The point is, none of us really knows.  What we do know and what is important is found in verses 19 and 20 of the first chapter of Romans- "Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them for  since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities- his eternal power and divine nature- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse"(emphasis mine). 

Through God's creation- from the gigantic dinosaur bones, to the black bear, the brown bear, the grizzly bear, the polar bear, the walrus, the elephant seal that each amazes us with their size, to the smallest most delicate of insects, to the opossum, yes even to the opossum that I joked about yesterday- through all these created things he has revealed to us (made plain to us) everything that we need to know about him.  His invisible qualities - eternal power and divine nature are seen clearly through what has been made (i.e. his creation).

His eternal power makes me think of the time lapse between dinosaurs and humans.  Possibly millions of years in between, like 65 million maybe? Is that what I read?  Seems eternal to me.  And to breathe life into just one of those enormous animals - thats power.  And to wipe them all out completely- again, powerful.  

His divine nature is proven by the fact that humans have not yet figured out how to bring a single animal into existence and God put every single thing that we saw in that museum yesterday into being.  Hundreds of thousands of species He put here.  Us- not one species.  He is divine.  His nature is divine.

These two qualities of God can be seen through what he has made so therefore we are without excuse (so the bible says).  So are you sitting over there thinking (like I was), "Oh yeah, totally, I believe God made all those things and I totally respect that so.... I'm good to go, right?"? Hold up, wait, go back to verse 18.  That one makes it a little more complicated.  Am I wicked? Do I suppress the truth? I sure hope I am not godless....

Here's where it gets tricky but also where we can challenge ourselves.  Since we believe in God as creator and king of the universe, we are held to a higher standard, we hold more responsibility to avoid wickedness and godlessness, to avoid the suppression of the truth.  In fact, it is our purpose to do quite the opposite- to spread the truth, to strive for righteousness, and to make our God a part of everything we do and say (God-fullness if you will).  But how do we go about this? I do not have all the answers but I do have one answer.  It may not be complete or the best way but its a start. Each decision we make in our daily lives either stifles the truth or begins to set it free.  Each story you tell, each phone call you make, every text you send tells the other person more about who you are and if you are a believer in Christ, it tells a little about the God you serve.  This is a huge responsibility- about as huge as a T. Rex skeleton and as complicated as a whale's digestive system.  So my advice and prayer for myself is as follows:

Lord, he me- help us, not to persist in sin.  Help us instead to turn from it with all our measly might and may all your eternal power help us.  Help us in each and every decision we make so that we move closer and closer to your righteousness and so that we do not stifle the truth.  Help us Lord not to be selfish and not to believe lies that lead to a selfish lifestyle but to instead steer our longings toward the worship and pleasure of your divine nature.
Through your creation you have left us no excuse Lord.  In your mercy help us to open our eyes, ears and hearts.  Fill our mouths with less excuses and more worship and thanksgiving for the things you have revealed to us, the things you have made plain to us about your eternal power and divine nature through your stunning creation.  Amen.  

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ohhhh, Possum!

Two things happened Monday night:
1.  I dreamed I ate a teddy graham
2.  I woke up in a panic because I could not seem to open my mouth
This tells me two things:
1.  I have had these wires long enough
2.  I slept really well for the first time in a week

Tuesday was a school day and I dropped George off with no problems, got an oil change and treated myself to a manicure while I waited for the oil to be changed.  I had a coupon for it so it was the perfect opportunity.
We happened to see our friends Jennie and Evie when I picked George up from school. They were headed to the park so we joined them.  All of that may have been too much for me because when we got home, I went right to sleep after I got George down for his nap.  He woke up around 5pm and it was completely dark.  He is so confused by the time change especially because he takes really long naps.  I am pretty sure he has no clue that he has not slept all night and that he thinks it is a brand new day.  Since I was so tired from the long day and big George would not be home for dinner I decided to cheat and sat him in front of a new movie we borrowed from Evie as we ate dinner (or drank it in my case).  We watched Disney's Brave and it was SO good. We snuggled the whole time and it was one of those nights we'll remember forever.  As I put him to bed I started to read a story, which I dread these days as it hurts my mouth.  He said, "Remember mommy- we don't read stories on movie nights".  Alrighty then!  Off to bed with you then.  As I turned off the light he said, "I want Daddy".  This was a Mozart symphony to my ears.  He has been so attached to me his whole little life, which I love in a lot of ways- don't get me wrong. But to hear those words.....man it was so good.  Since I have been out of commission, the Georges have spent a lot of quality time with each other and wow, has it paid off!  I told him I would send Daddy in when he got home.  When Daddy got home guess what he said in a hopeful tone...."Is he (George) still awake?---Good, I wanted to see that little booger".  Another symphony to my ears.  If I had to go through all this so they could have a chance to bond- I would do it again.

Wednesday we went to the Museum of Natural History.  It was the 100th anniversary so the museum was free! I am all over "FREE".  But alas, ten bucks to park.  It turned out to be worth it.  They have just redone the museum and they did a great job.  I did not see it before, but it was very interactive for a history museum.  George loved the Dinosaur BONES.  George will tell you, "They are not dinosaurs, they are dinosaur BONES".  Smart young 'un.  He was so excited that he would bounce from one exhibit to the next. It would have been so much more informative if I had time to read each plaque but hey, I would not even be there if it were not for him so I think I got as much out of it as I could.   And I overheard a conversation that melds very well with some scripture I read this morning too, so you will hear about that in the next post.  While we were there it should be noted that we were lucky enough to witness a live animal's first appearance in public at this museum.  Her name was Avocado and about 20 or so middle school age children waited in great anticipation for her to come out of her cage.  The two museum employees seemed excited to share this experience with us and were surprised at the crowd that had gathered there to see Avocado in all her glory.  Now before I go on, I want to say something for any readers who do not know me very well.  I LOVE animals, I've never owned a fur coat, I think humans have driven several animals into extinction and for that I am horrified and not proud of our human race. On the other hand, I grew up in a family of hunters and fishermen (and women)  so I appreciate nature as it takes its course with some species.  I think that overpopulation of some species is worse than the alternative, especially if we hunt to use the animal for food.  Okay,  now that you know I am not just a mean animal hater, let me tell you about what animal they brought out of that cage....A 'POSSUM Y'ALL!  The first question she asked the crowd was, "Have any of you ever seen an Opossum before?" I wanted to retort, "Is that the same thing as a Possum? and do you mean alive or dead? I've seen plenty of dead ones".  The next was, "What do you know about the Opossum?" All I could think of was how glad I was that my mom was not here right now.  She would have really embarrassed us with her response.  I can hear her now..." PURPOSE??? They have no purpose, they are the dumbest animals on the planet and they serve absolutely no purpose".  I can also see the looks we would get from the "trainers" who adore this opossum, little Avocado.  I had to leave before I said something I would regret.  All in all it was a great time, possum and all.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

'Tis the Season for Soup

I thought of another thing I am thankful for....I am thankful that this accident happened during "soup season" because that is all I can eat.  I cannot imagine how I would feel about the consumption of hot tomato soup in the middle of the summer but it sure does hit the spot on these cool fall nights.  I mentioned my mom made me four types of soup.  I gave her my favorite recipe cards and she made them happen with additions and substitutions of her own.  She made my favorite-favorite Spinach Soup.  She made Brocolli-Cheddar soup (which, honestly I rarely indulge in because its not the healthiest for you).  She made Potato-Leek Soup and Curried Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup.  The only recipe I can give you is the one for Spinach Soup. For the others, she did her "thing" and mixed and matched several recipe cards with her own knowledge of how to put something absolutely scrumptious together.  And they were all absolutely scrumptious.

Becca's Favorite Favorite Spinach Soup
2 garlic cloves
1/2 medium onion chopped
1 stalk celery
1 medium potato peeled and cubed
2 cups chicken or veggie broth
2 cups milk
1 - 6oz bag of fresh spinach

Heat EVOO in large saucepan.  Sauté garlic, onion, celery and potato for 5 minutes.
Add chicken broth and milk. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in half the spinach, cover and simmer for 10 more minutes.  Cool slightly, then transfer soup to blender WORKING IN BATCHES. (DO NOT- under any circumstances- think you can put all this soup in one blender. Just trust me on this one unless you want to change the paint color in your kitchen, ceilings etc. to seaweed green).  Or if you are a lucky duck and have a hand immersion blender, use that.  Add remaining spinach and blend until smooth. I always add red pepper flakes at the end - just a little, you can ALWAYS add more but you can never take spice out.  SO SO GOOD!

Today I tried my hand at a soup recipe I've had my eye on since before my jaw was broken and it does not disappoint!  In fact at this moment I have a mug of it's excellency on my nightside table.  If I did not need it pureed, I would have left it chunky but it is packed with flavor so I do not miss the texture quite as much.   The recipe below happens to be from Slimming Eats.  I added some "non-slimming" ingredients to get more fat and calories in.  Either way, its delicious.

Spicy Tomato and Lentil Soup

Serves 4
  • ¾ cup (175ml) of uncooked red lentils, rinsed
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic crushed
  • 1 stick of celery, finely chopped
  • 1 leek, finely chopped
  • 300g of sweet potato, chopped (like 2 or 3)
  • some freshly ginger grated
  • 1 tsp of ground cumin
  • 1 splash of tabasco sauce
  • 2 teaspoons of paprika
  • ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 500g of ripe tomatoes, skinned and chopped finely (or use a tinned chopped) ( I used one HUGE can of whole Romas since I knew I would puree)
  • 2 litres of vegetable stock
  • 2 tbsp of tomato puree ( I did not use because I put whole can of tomatoes and included juice)
  • salt and black pepper to season
  • low calorie spray
  • fat free natural yoghurt and fresh parsley to serve
  1. Spray a large saucepan over a medium high heat with low calorie spray. Add the onion, leek, celery and fry until softened.
  2. Add the lentils, sweet potato, garlic, ginger, cumin, paprika, cayenne and tomato paste and stir to evenly mix.
  3. Add the stock, tomatoes and tabasco sauce. Bring to the boil, then lower the heat and simmer for about 40mins until lentils are soft. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  4. If you prefer a smoother soup, then you can blend it to your liking. I prefer to leave this soup as it is. (I ended up adding water and soy milk to make it thin enough for me to drink)
  5. Serve topped with a spoonful of fat free natural yoghurt and some chopped fresh parsley.
I added 5 oz chèvre, soy milk, and extra sweet potatoes.  I deleted some of the spice because whereas I usually enjoy spicy foods, it burns too much with the way the wires have treated my gums, lips and teeth.  I hope you will try this soup. Its amazing.  I used a hand immersion blender that a friend let me borrow (Thanks LC!!). I added the goat cheese and extra water at the end to make it thin enough to drink and it worked great!

Today was my first Post-Op appointment and my first day home alone with George since all this happened.  I asked a friend to watch George while I went to the appointment and she was happy to do it since our kiddos are great friends.  You might remember her from a previous post- her dad is the one with the motorcycle!  The appointment went well and the doctor said most likely these wires will come off November 25th.  Yes, that is three days before Thanksgiving so hopefully I will at least be able to eat some mashed potatoes.  Not sure if I will be able to open wide enough for a Turkey leg by then- we'll see.  He said it will be an outpatient surgery so I will undergo anesthesia and need a ride to and from the office.  So unless any of you want to come take me to the doctor that day George will have to take off another day of work.  I sure hope they don't fire him!! Only joking, I am sure they will understand and we will be able to work it out.  The appointment was quick, easy to find and uneventful- all that I hoped it would be.  George had a wonderful time with his friend and we came home. He did whine and cry for some reason today until I put him in front of the iPad.  I believe I will count on that tool for a successful week alone with him under these circumstances.  Thank goodness for technology.
Now he is asleep and I may not wake him up until George gets home.  I am sure I will get the energy I need because of this promise:

"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." (Jer.31:25)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Some pictures


chicken pot pie

my skeletons

George's class

right before trick or treating

right after trick or treating

my juicer!!!

the LOOT

wired shut.  
see, its not as bad looking as you thought, but it feels a heck of a lot worse than it looks, be assured.  What you cannot see are four screws that are hidden by my lips that attach the wires.  Yippee!

Life Comes At You Fast

I, um, took the week off.  Yea... decided that I just did not feel well enough to write.  Oh- did I mention I BROKE MY FACE?!  Well, I didn't exactly break it, someone else did.  I finally feel good enough to write so here's the full version of what happened.
My mom often says that I am an "accident waiting to happen" or another favorite is that my head is like a magnet for things that are heavy,  hard and/or fast.  She's never really said it that way but I believe thats what she means.  Well, last Sunday at my softball game that fact was proven yet again.  I rounded third and came in to score.  I stepped on home base after a pretty fast run, took two steps and that is when the heavy, hard and fast object smacked me in the face. BAM. Someone made a bad throw to get me out at home I guess.  Well the run counted but they got me- thats for sure.  George was there (Praise God) and he said I turned and gave him "the look". The look that means, get over here- now- something is not right.  It did not hurt right away but my teeth on the left side were raised what seemed like an inch in my mouth.  I was numb from all the adrenaline and if I were doing that November challenge everyone is doing on Facebook, the number one thing I am thankful for would be, "I am thankful for adrenaline".  Think about it. God put our bodies together by grand design. It was no accident that he programed our bodies to give us a magical shot of analgesic the minute we first experience pain and/or shock.  God is good.  As I walked to the bench, I sure hope I was not rude because all I wanted was my husband.  I think I had that line on repeat, "I just want my husband" each time someone asked me if  I was OK.  So- we iced it and in all the chaos something shook me loose of the focus on me and my jaw and let me see my child, my sweet child, who had his own phrase on repeat "What, Mommy? What?" I felt so bad and shook off my tears and explained to him in a way that a three year old could understand what had happened to mommy.  Poor child.  This is the same child who about a year ago saw his daddy fall down as he played beach volleyball and bawled his little eyes out.  So we got to the car and George wanted to wait it out and see how I felt later.  I think my face said it all because he quickly changed his mind and said OK- what ER should we go to? Out of desperation, we called some new friends of ours to see if they would take little George.  This is about the third time we have had to ship our little boy out to another family in desperation.  It turns out they were headed straight for the town where I play softball.  They were on their way to a party to decorate pumpkins with their little girl.  We stood there as George put the carseat in his car and I explained to the husband what happened.  My son reached up for his hand and held it as we talked. This was such a gift from God.  I was worried about my son being scared or uncomfortable with this plan, but not anymore.  It was obvious that he was comfortable.  And  I will never forget Jennie's face once George was all buckled in his carseat. She took my shoulders and said with her angelic blonde hair and sparkly gold eyeshadow, "You are not putting us out, we will take good care of him, I promise.  You go take care of yourself and don't worry".  And she's not even Southern.  This meant the world to me.  We decided what ER to go to and after 5 hours, some X-rays and a CT scan, we had a diagnosis.  My mandible (bottom jaw) was broken in two places and considered an "open fracture" because of the blood between my teeth.  If it had been broken in just one place, they would have sent me home on antibiotics but no, two breaks makes it unstable and I would go to surgery on Tuesday.  It would be up to the surgeon if I needed metal plates or fixation.  Another miracle happened- the attending came in and said he wanted to do the surgery that night.  Praise God.  So by 2:00 AM I was under anesthesia after a discussion about my home state of North Carolina that I barely remember.  The next few hours was a blur.  George stayed with me all night and "slept" in a chair from 5:30-6:30 AM.  Our friends let little George spend the night and we found out later that he stayed up until midnight.  We felt SO bad but were also thankful we had arranged for him to be elsewhere.  I ate two "meals" of chicken broth Monday in the hospital before they discharged me and headed to the pharmacy for all my scripts.  Once George got me home and tucked into bed it was little George's nap time.  I could not sleep but both Georges slept like logs for a good three hours.  I was up and about, folded laundry and checked email,  made sure to update my status on Facebook so that it was officially something that had happened to me.  Before I go on, this was NOT a good idea. I should have just sat in bed. I was worn out by dinner time.  And HUNGRY.  Meet my new best friend, Hungry.  Hungry, meet all my blog readers out there, you will hear a lot from each other in the next long while because I am on a liquid diet for at least four weeks.  And everything I've read says even when the wires come off, you cannot dive into a hamburger right away.  You have to retrain your jaw to chew so the first week is mostly soft pureed foods too.  So change that to five weeks of hunger.  My mom decided to come which made all three of us completely ecstatic.  She missed her first flight which would have put her in LA around 7pm in time to fix my hungry boys dinner.  That same friend who took George for the night texted me just in time to say that she would bring chili over.  I just cannot get over the kindness and thoughtfulness of some people. Lord, help me be as giving and selfless as my friends and family.  Her chili was perfect and she made cornbread too.  It hit the spot for the boys and I admit, I blended some and it was good to me too.  Mom arrived Tuesday.  Need I say more? We didn't do much Tuesday except go to the grocery store in search of anything puree-able.  That was also too much for me and I should have stayed home.  Wednesday Mom jumped right in with the housework and began to cook meals.  Before nightfall she had made four different soups, two chicken pot pies, and a huge pot of her famous spaghetti sauce.  Not to mention she entertained little George, changed all the sheets and did about four loads of laundry.  I lost count- maybe she did six.  At any rate, we all had a hot meal and a clean bed when we hit the hay Wednesday night.  Thursday was one of the worst days for me.  Headache, nausea, tired, weak, my old friend hungry....all were present on Thursday.  I could not miss little George's show at preschool for Halloween so we went to that and I had to talk to everyone about what happened.  It was nice to have support so I should not complain, but it just simply hurt my mouth to smile and talk.  But his show was super cute and all the kids were dressed up and they sang the most precious little songs.  Well, they did not really sing... they listened to the poor teacher sing by herself.  That night I pulled myself together and walked down the street to trick or treat.  George had such a good time.  I really do not care for the holiday myself but I have to admit, it is fun to see your child experience it. He got lots of good candy and chose Nerds and Twizlers as his two treats for the evening.  Big George never made it home to see him in his costume. That was a little sad, but like I said, its not my favorite holiday so if he has to miss something, I'm happy with Halloween getting the raw end of the deal.  The best thing that happened Thursday, was a box that came in the mail.  My friends, my sister and my parents split the cost of a JUICER and sent it to me.  One question. What kind of friends buy a juicer for their hurt friend? Answer- MY friends.  I have - without a doubt - the best friends and family ever.  I was speechless when I opened it.  How thoughtful and generous.  I mean.  So mom and I got right to it and juiced everything in sight.  It was a good pick-me-up for this rough day.  Friday I turned a corner. Maybe it was the fresh juice.  Mom cleaned my entire house top to bottom.  She's a professional. How come when I clean my sinks they still look dirty and when she cleans them they look like the Comet commercial? So bright you cannot even look straight at it.  So now I have a freezer full of food, a clean house, clean laundry, fresh sheets, and a smoothie in my hand.  Friday night we had pizza- well, they had pizza- and watched The Prince of Egypt.  Saturday morning George had to take mom pretty early to the airport.  When she got there they told her it would probably be Tuesday before she got home.   She was able to fly standby as a favor from my uncle who is an airline pilot so no flight is set in stone.  Since there was a shooting at LAX Friday all the flights were overbooked for Saturday.  I prayed for a miracle because as much as I wanted her to stay, she needed to get back to her life which includes helping a lot of other folks.  I think her gift is giving.  She gives and gives and gives to anyone and everyone.  She never thinks about what she will get out of the deal. She never stops to check her energy gauge to see if she might be wearing herself out.  She keeps on giving everywhere she goes, giving the first fruits to everyone she meets.  Sometimes I am intimidated by her love and her sacrifice for me.  How can I ever repay her, no- not even that...How can I ever tell her how much I appreciate her?  If I can be one eighteenth of the person my mother is, I will be proud of myself.  And if I can ever get her spaghetti sauce recipe down pat, I will make my husband a happy man.  We thought we would have to go back to LAX to pick her up but miraculously, she got on.  And she got on her connection in Charlotte and then called me from her bed in Wilmington to tell me all about her trip and to make sure I got enough protein today.  So she is home, and about to rest her head and body for whatever tomorrow brings and whomever God calls her to help.  Our little family was sad to see her go but glad she was able to make the trip.  Its hard to say who will miss her most; will it be me- who needed a lot of practical help and love, or my husband who benefitted with hearty meals and a clean house or will it be little George who had a constant playmate and buddy?  Today is Sunday again, one week from my injury.  All I can think  of are the blessings that came from this.
1. Six inches above or below where the ball hit me would have been traumatic
2. George was at the game
3. Our friends' ability to pick our son up and take him for the night
4. Speedy (ish) care in the ER and immediate surgery instead of a two day wait
5. Out of the hospital the next day
6. My mom was able to come
7. George was able to take two days off because of his co-fellow being so willing to cover
8.  My friends sent me a juicer to help keep nutrients in me
9. Cards, flowers and well wishes from loving friends and family and my team
10.  George being a doctor and a perfect father and husband through all this.  All my meds are in liquid form and he has to mix them correctly. So thankful for all the ways he has made me and our son a priority.  So thankful for the patient way he encourages me and tells me to hang in there. He tells me he's proud of me.

I can make it through this.