Monday, October 28, 2013

Fear # 2 - Contributions

I have very wise family and friends.  I wanted to share a few comments that were sent to me via email about my last post about fear. I loved these thoughts so much I wanted to share them with all my readers. They are very rich and encouraged me.  I asked permission and they said sure- so here you go:

1.  What a perfect subject for Halloween--the holiday of fear!  I've been told that "Do not fear" is the most often repeated commandment in the Bible.  Yet I do not know a single person who has totally conquered it unless it was the early martyrs and I don't  really know them. I've also been told that God is the only "person" who has never had to take a risk (because He always knows the outcome and we don't.)  For some reason God created us to be risk takers because He did not give us the ability to know the future.  I'm going to ask HIm about this one day!  :)Thank you for another very strong message--this time on replacing fear with a trust in the Lord. I need that reminder!!!!!!

2.  Love this from Joyce Meyers "giving into fear alters God's best plan for your life. So use the power of God's word to do what HE wants you to do....even if you have to do it afraid."

3.  What a brave and vulnerable post. I am proud of you. LAX is a very BIG airport....the 6th largest in the world according to the site I just looked at. It is a lot to deal with while keeping your eye on George the whole time.

I am a scaredy cat too about some things. I have a BAD sense of direction. There have been a couple times in my life when I was hopelessly lost while driving.   No one was happier about a GPS than me. 

 I am terrified of snakes. The thought of them grips me in fear and panic. I don't like them in movies, on tv, in National Geographic, in zoos, rubber ones in gift shops, out on a path, smashed in the street, though I like them the least bad that way.

My growing up years were not loving and peaceful and calm. This has resulted in some fear.

My favorite verses on fear:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7

Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
1 John 4:4

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
II Corinthians 10:5

Therefore put on the whole armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything to stand.
Ephesians 6:13

Our minds can be a fierce battleground but we have God given tools to enable us to stand.

4.  Becca, I am laughing , not at what happened to you but this has been my life with 2, not 1, children and the lessons are huge in the meantime.  I almost went to jail in LA because of the rudeness of security and after 2 days of trying to get out of there stand by, I had had it. Not a good time to cross me! My shoes were not lined up right on the security belt and I did not push them forward correctly. Seriously! Flash the inner demon!  Yes, I lost it! I have also flown cross country soaked in urine, breastfed between 2 men (obviously I was in a middle seat- something I said I would never do in public on a plane) and so many other stories!     So I am thankful that you have survived and found some deep spiritual lessons in all of this   I love you and see what a great mom you are and how God is growing your independence and preparing you for the life ahead.  Always here for you and have a myriad of airplane distractions and stories we'll share over some GOOD coffee!  Love you

Thursday, October 24, 2013


In honor of my least favorite holiday I have a few words about fear. I am afraid of many many things.  Most of them are in the form of decorations this time of year but I, for one, could do without them. I am a scare-dy cat and always have been.  

A few weeks ago I took George  (the one who is three years old) on a plane by myself from LA to DC for a wedding. The wedding was extra special, so the posts that followed outlined the happy weekend of celebration, the visit with my parents, and my toast to my dear friend.  What I neglected to tell my sweet readers: the reality of the travel that was required.  It was horrible.  I missed my first flight out of LAX.  Traffic was to blame, but I guess I should know better and leave earlier.  George was even sweet enough to risk work trouble to drive us there.  The minute I walked into the airport though, I knew if I missed my flight it would not be entirely my fault.  After I had walked back and forth four times and found myself in two wrong lines, I realized that our success depended upon a lady or man in a red vest who would ask the question "What are you trying to do".  This is not a good strategy American Airlines. Not good at all. No one knew what line was what or who should be in it.  I was completely out of my element. Big George is the one that organizes us in the airport, holds our tickets, checks us in, decides if bags need to be checked, etc.  Well, not this time.  It was all on me.  Now I am excellent at the distract-the-baby game, the keep-the-baby happy game, the hold-the-baby-while-I-do-this game. But apparently I am terrible at the get-us-on-the plane game, which is NOT a game by the way.  Long story short, by the time I was told that I had to check the bag that I did not think I had to check it was too late.  It was 9:00 and  I had been in the airport two hours already with a tired,hungry and bored little boy.  I had gotten no where and I had already given him the whole bag of fruit snacks. If you are a mom these days, you know exactly what that means. I pulled out the big guns (fruit snacks) five minutes into this whole ordeal. I thought it was worth the risk.  So by the time I got to ticketing, he was tired, hungry, bored and sugar infused.  This is not a good combination folks, not good at all.  I got new tickets for another flight that was supposed to board soon.  The attendant looked at me and said "Go.... NOW"-meaning if you don't hurry, we will meet again.  So I finally get upstairs to find myself in a very long line again.  Security.  An old yankee lady tried to tell George not to mess with the trashcan and I probably burned a hole between her eyes with the with the look I gave her.  Then the same lady says sarcastically to me when I took George's shoes off (because he wanted to and it was not a battle I chose to fight today) , "Oh- he looks like a terrorist all right". I wanted to say, "Woman, if you say that 'T' word around me and my child again, I am going to strangle you".  YES. I WAS AT THAT POINT. Then the nice people at the conveyer belt ask me if I have any liquids to which I exasperatedly replied, "I don't think so...maybe a yogurt for the kiddo?"  Well y'all,  they found liquids on me.  I admit it, I was armed. I carried concealed European style yogurt and a couple of applesauce packs for ammunition.  "uhhh, mack, can you come over here?...I gotta L-42...." Oh great, Mack was the guy I lied to on accident when I told him I didn't have liquids.  So he, from his throne of grace, had pity on me and sent me away with my liquids.  Praise God, someone did something nice and reasonable.  OK- so then I  put George's shoes back on and say, "Honey- how fast can you run?".   My sweet little angel took off and I followed.  Up one flight of stairs, saw the gate number and boom- we were there right as they boarded first class.  I just jumped right in line, head down, tickets out, like I owned the place.  At this point I was not even sure if this was the right plane.   Seriously, I remember the thought that I could be headed to North Dakota but I could not have cared less. Just get me out of that airport.  So we sat and I buckled him in. Shoo- Mercy.  We have been up since 5:00 am. It is after 9:30 am and we would not arrive in DC until 5 pm.  The plane ride was the best part and that includes the two trips to the bathroom and George's poor aim that added to my outfit from my shoulders to my waist.  Not to mention his second trip came 2 minutes after the first trip to the lavatory and also fit in perfectly with the last 5 minutes of the in-flight movie.  We landed in perfect time for 5:00 Friday afternoon traffic in DC.  Yay! Poor Daddy had to drive us but I was happy as a clam in that car.  

So the wedding was perfect. My parents were perfect. Lindsay was gorgeous, George was amazingly cute. 

On the way back I was so afraid.  Afraid that we would not be able to find the airport, afraid that I would miss yet another flight. Afraid we would be delayed, afraid of another lavatory accident, afraid that I would loose George in the airport.  So many fears.  I tried to dispel a few of the fears by my arrival, three hours early.  After a very long security line I was made aware that I still had a full water bottle. I realize that to folks who work in airports this must be a huge annoyance but I am sorry, its just not the first thing on anyone's mind, especially those who travel with children.  "I've got my wallet, keys, passport, boarding ticket, my child....oh yeah, the water bottle. Let me empty that.  OK, where was I? I have the diapers, wipes, snacks, and DVD player....." 
Anyway, I see commotion as I walk George through the x-ray machine and then this guy walks over me like I am about to have to go to the principles office. He gives me a shake of the head as if to say, "Tisk -Tisk, you bad girl. You have water in your water bottle.  I'll have to ask the Queen but I am pretty sure its 'Off with your head' for this one". I mean seriously folks, someone gives you a tiny itsy bitsy bit of power and you hold it over the heads of weary travelers....He made a big stink of it and then said, "I will do you a favor. Instead of sending you outside the airport to start over, I will go and take this water bottle and pour out its contents FOR YOU and then I will be back.  Now, this is a favor, you do realize".  
So we sat in the airport for three hours prior to take off. When it was finally time, it took FOREVER to board and of course, the time I am ready and eager to be the first on the plane, they did not even call "Poor pitiful Moms with young children" like they usually do.  We were almost the last people to board.  I cannot explain what kind of state George was in. You only know it when you are in it.  He was just before meltdown. Like on the line.  Like, the toe of his shoe had crossed the line but the rest of his body hung there waiting to follow suit.  He never did melt down but he might as well have for all the worry and fear I brought to the table.  He squirmed and wriggled, rolled on the floor, picked up snacks from the dirty carpet and ate them, nibbled a pretzel that I paid WAY too much for, watched clips of movies but never a full five minutes in a row and never slept, not a wink. He tested me and tried me but never crossed me. I am grateful for this as I look back.  In some ways however, it really did not matter because the ball-o-stress I was at that moment in time was not moved by hope. The ball of stress was motivated by fear. I should have had hope that all would be okay. The attitude of hope would have made my time much more enjoyable at the very least, who knows I could have even had a good conversation with someone while I waited or I could have used the hours in the airport as a time to bond with my son . But no, fear was my companion for travel that day and there was no room for anyone or anything else.  We were seated and had a very awkward conversation with a lady on my row because George and I were not seated beside each other (I did choose seats beside each other when I purchased the seats, fyi).  Even when we were beside each other there was a tray seat in between us so he was about four feet away from me. At this point, I have to say it was a little nice to have some space, but it was not very conducive to sleep.  The in-flight movie was After Earth for this trip.  Although George had another double bathroom break at the end of this movie and I never did see if the alien ate Will Smith and his son or not, I did get a valuable lesson from the movie.  Will Smith plays a futuristic high power military guy who fights aliens and flies spaceships and such.  His son asks him how he "ghosted" for the first time. To "Ghost" is to defeat the enemy by simply not allowing the enemy to detect that you are present,  in essence- to "Ghost" means to have no fear.  Will Smith answers his son's questions about the first time he "ghosted" with this dialogue:

I was able to see that all my worry and all my fear was pointless. Fear keeps us from so much.  I like what he says about fear being a product of our imaginations.  Fear is a great tool of the enemy, a powerful and effective tool.  As I think about my biggest fears, I am tempted to try to use this "ghost" technique. Who knows what will be changed or what I can accomplish if I give no power to the things I fear most?  I want to erase FEAR of the UNKNOWN and base my emotions and actions on HOPE in the WELL KNOWN.  Don't be afraid to join me!  
Isaiah 41 :10-13
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you;  I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Patty Cake Patty Cake, Baker's (HU) MAN.

I want to steal an illustration from Sunday's sermon by Lincoln Skinner of Oneonta Congregational Church.  I want to steal it bake (not a typo) I guess I should say because I have had this thought before but he brought it bake (not a typo) to my mind.  I would also like to bake it a little longer and at a little higher temperature, to extend the analogy a little farther than he did.  Ok, enough with the puns...

We love to bake with our kiddos right? Or do we? If you know me, you know that I love to bake. Not only do I love it, it is often an escape for me. When I am sad, I bake.  When I want to celebrate, I bake.  When I have company, its not a party unless I bake.  I usually think I like to bake with my son George until my clean kitchen is a mess and he is uninterested about 1/3 of the way through as he runs through the house half clothed (because that is apparently his favorite outfit - as any visitors to my home would be happy to tell you) and I am left with a recipe half done and flour everywhere and a hot oven. I then have to choose to let him run amuck half naked and finish the recipe or throw in the towel and surrender the unbaked ingredients to the trash can.  I usually let him run around and I finish the recipe which makes my house even more of a mess and includes a lot of risks from clogged toilets and missing toothbrushes to possible broken bones from attempts to fly like a dragon off the couch.

But when he does make it through the whole recipe it makes that batch of cookies so much sweeter.  I love the look of accomplishment on his face, I love the experience as we create something  together.   I love it so much that I continue to invite him to bake with me, whenever I can, even though there is a risk that the whole idea will flop.

Lincoln likened this God's relationship with us.  God likes to bake with us.  He likes to include us in his "kingdom coming".  Does he need us in the process? Absolutely not.  He does not need us. In fact, if he left us out of it, there would be a lot less mess, less broken-ness, less risk, less missing pieces, less dumb mistakes, less clogged toilets (ok, maybe not that). But he wants us to be a part of the process, to experience the blessing of a finished product, to have a sense of accomplishment (without pride, mind you).  Thats why he lets us help.  He's just like me when George looks at me and says,"Mommy, can I 'make' with you?" I just melt like Baker's chocolate and of course I get out his plastic measuring cup and the wooden spoon.  And thats what God does too. If we are interested in the process, he immediately gets out all the tools and hands them to us, each at the perfect time.  He measures out the perfect amount and helps us as we pour each ingredient into the bowl.  He guides our inexperienced hand as we awkwardly try to stir the ingredients.  He scoops up the part that we catapulted across the room and puts it back in the bowl so the recipe will not be too dry or flat.  He gently scolds us when we take too many finger-fuls of batter for ourselves.  And then, when we run off and loose interest because something more fun or interesting catches our attention, he takes care of whatever we failed to do to make the cookies turn out perfect.  If for some reason we actually finish the recipe, lets be careful to let God put the tray in the oven.  None of us kids have any business near the hot oven.  Do not get burned, let God do God's part.
I told you he likes to be half dressed- this is not staged

Mom, Gra'ma and Bertie's Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

mmmmmm cookies!

So, lesson: We are invited into the process God's "kingdom coming" but not because God needs us.  We are invited because God wants us there, mess and all.  And we can not fear that we will be unsuccessful, or that we will make a mess of the situation.  God works through all that.  The main thing is that we are in the kitchen, and that we follow His lead.  The more we bake with Him, the batter we'll be at it.  If you've made it this far, thanks for sticking with me through all the baker's puns. I think I 'll go make a batch right now...where's my little helper?!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Home Is Where Your Heart Is

George and I just experienced our first weekend of commitments.  No beach exploration, no fancy trips, just good 'ol things on the calendar.  Friday night we had our first pizza movie night in what seemed like forever.  Saturday morning I had to work at George's school.  From nine to noon I painted, edged, worked a jigsaw, cleaned and created.  At a Co-op like our son's school, the parents do all the work. I might have mentioned this before, but I was NOT excited about this part at first. When it was clear that this school was the only option for us I remember the thought I had to myself, "All I want to do is drop him off, pay someone a good amount of moo-lah and have a couple of hours to myself".  But now, I can honestly say (and believe me, I'd be honest if it were the other way around too) that I enjoy the involvement.  Saturday we re-purposed an old doll house (like a walk in wooden structure) into a Train Station complete with a boardwalk, luggage, tickets, signage, and an old timey cha-ching thing where you pull the lever down and stuff spins. Ok, I realize that was about the worst description in the history of the universe, but I will post pictures later and you will totally know what I mean.  It was so neat to meet so many parents with such care and concern for their little ones.  Then we were off to the fun commitment, a BIRTHDAY PARTY!! Our favorite little guy out here turned one year old on Saturday and we were able to celebrate with him. It was a really fun birthday with a Peter Rabbit theme.  Lauren did such a great job.  The wonderful playground served as entertainment and George and I even met a few fellow southerners out here in the big city 'burbs.  It was nice to talk freely and let the accent just roll off the tongue.
Sunday we went to church and the message was fabulous.  Sunday evening my fan club showed up again at my ball game.  It is so nice to have my boys behind me as I play the sport that gives me such joy.  It really feels like heaven to have that much fun with the people I love the most in this world.  I just wish my whole family could come every week.  I'm now a third baseman and second girl batter for any of you who care about those details.
I would like to highlight the message of Sunday's sermon a little bit if you don't mind.  It really hit *home* for us.
Its only October but George and I have already begun the stress-induced search for homes back in Raleigh. Partly because its fun to look, but partly because we feel like we have to be prepared.  Well, it has turned from pure fun to pure fret and frustration.  There's so much to think about as you look for what could be your forever home.  We fret over where to look, what price to pay, we fret over convenience and comfort vs less of a mortgage payment every month.   And honestly we both fret over what it looks like.  We fret over how to use our resources wisely; do we choose a home we love in an area we love with schools we prefer or do we choose a smaller home that we (I'll be honest) can't stand the sight of but have funds left over for travel? Or will those funds be used to pay for private school because of the area in which it happens to be located? What can I say, all of that is really important to us. If you are my age and stage you know my point like the back of your hand. You've agonized over it, you've perseverated on it, you've beaten it with a stick. Not to mention we have not found anything reasonably priced that we love. It seems impossible.  Everything that is nice and convenient is expensive.  I think I just had the most original thought ever to be put into words: nice things are expensive.  Wow, there's one for the record books, Becca.  Seriously though, why can't we find something relatively nice and reasonably priced? Ugh, we are so frustrated and fretful.  So now that you know where we are, I'd like to share what God told us through the sermon Sunday.  The sermon was about when Jesus fed the 5,000 (or 15, 000- if you think women and children matter, which I DO.  I am giving each man there a woman-because most men would not have been present without a wife who had nagged him and I am also giving them one child each, just because).  So when that little boy gave Jesus what he had, when it passed over from the boy's hands to Jesus' hands, the IMPOSSIBLE became POSSIBLE.  Jesus fed all those people with 5 loaves of barley bread and 2 fish.  That's impossible!  But it happened.  Lincoln (our preacher) said, "Give your little bit to Jesus and he will make possible what we think is impossible".  He even said "that home you want, give it to Jesus" (p.s. -that is when we knew God had spoken to us directly).   That little boy out of faith gave up his lunch to Jesus and look what happened. George and I decided to give our loaf of fret and fish of frustration over to the Lord in faith that he will make the impossible possible.  We know he will put us where he wants us and that it will satisfy every need we have.  It will be more than what we could have even imagined because we put our trust in Him, our faith in Him.  There were leftovers in that story, remember?  We prayed, "Lord- help us not to fret over this. Remind us that you've got us in your big, capable hands".  And I will have you know he already has. Just today, as I prayed this morning, I looked up at our little perfect cottage and thought of our reasonable rent and wonderful land lady and was reminded of how God took care of us last May.  He just dropped this little jewel into our laps.  And I looked down at Dean and remembered the stress of that little (large, great-dane sized) detail.  We thought we would have to leave him behind at one point, but no, here he sits as a reminder of how much God cares for the small (and large) details of our lives.  So we know he'll do it again.  I hope one day, each of you can sit across from me in my kitchen as I cook some soup or something sweet for you and we can talk and laugh about this post as we experience God's goodness and extravagance as it surrounds us in the form of a happy, cozy home.
Lord help me to be ever mindful of how much I am given. Thank you for the gift of a secure home, no matter where I lay my head... for I know my real home is in you.  Home is where my heart is, my heart is in you, Lord.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Like, Share, Pin, Blog, Follow and LOVE

Most of my posts are about the things our family does.  Since I am exhausted from the past two weeks of solid "doing" this week I have tried to do nothing and so far I have been pretty successful.  But a girl's still gotta write, right?  So I'd like to share what I've thought about this week instead.

My turn to make snack for the preschoolers is next week. Halloween week.  If you know me, you know that I am not content to just settle on graham crackers and banana slices.  Since I am related to a certain lady named Stephanie, I always feel the need to step it up a notch.  This is the lady who, for my lingerie shower,  had a basket of "pieces" for every holiday of our first year as a married couple.  And that does not even scratch the surface of how creative, imaginative, and cute this lady is.  So naturally I began to think about Halloween snacks but I want it to be healthy and cute but not tacky or scary.  I couldn't think of anything.  So I did  it..... My little fingers went to my computer and I typed one word into my Google search.  It starts with a P and rhymes with dentist (kind of).  I made my first board and pinned my first pin.  The good news is, I found a cute little snack for the kiddos.  The bad news...I spent nearly the entirety of my afternoon on this wonderful time waster of a website.  I found some boots I want, I found a ton of kitchen organization ideas, and closet space enhancers, and so much more.  This is heaven for the Type A personality because it gives order and organization to your every idea; heaven for the Type B personality because of well, the same reasons.  Genius, brilliant, wonderful.  But then again, what did I actually DO yesterday???? Between my Facebook account, my email (3 different addresses), my phone, my new Pinterest account, and this, my beloved blog- I have to be honest, I feel like I get too much screen time.  I limit it for my son but why do I not seem to care that I get more screen time than anyone?  One part of me says, "It helps you run the house...It keeps you in relationship with your friends...It builds common ground between folks with whom you may never find any...Its a way to see sweet babies who are born and family that I am much too far away from".  All of this is true and do not fear, I do not plan to de-activate any accounts or cease to write this blog.
The other part hit me this morning as I read the Bible and I know this is the voice that should be heard above all other voices.

It came in sort of a round-a-bout way so if I loose you at first, just stick with me.  I read in Acts 14:18-19.  In the first verse, the crowd tried to make sacrifices to Paul and Barnabus because they thought the two were gods.  In the very next verse..the very next one y'all... they STONED Paul and left him for dead because some others came and turned the crowd's heart in a different direction.  So the "crowd" is who I want to focus on.  Why are they so fickle? Because that is human nature, my friends.

This day in age, the "crowd" is another way to look at the audience that sits just beyond our computer screens.  Our crowd is our sphere of influence, those we preach to, if you will.  Our crowd is made up of our friends, family and our followers (now there's a term for you- disciple means follower, FYI).  I don't have many "followers" on my blog but I have 440 "friends" on Facebook.  Most of you probably have more than that, but 440!!  Thats a LOT of folks out there in my sphere of influence.  I think its okay to have a crowd, in fact I think Jesus would like that a lot.  I think his Facebook page would be as full as he could  make it (I think Jesus does indeed have a Facebook page).  What is not okay though is our need to impress the crowd for our own glory.  I think that this is an issue in my life and thats why the Lord put it on my heart but as I wrote in my journal I thought that maybe a few of my crowd could relate.  I think we must be so careful how we use these tools of technology.  We need to remember that everything we say, do, post, pin, share, like and follow says something to our crowd about how we feel about our faith.  I want to work on my witness to my internet "crowd", my sphere of influence, my followers.

Sure it makes us feel good when someone likes what we say or a picture we post but that is addictive.  It causes us to seek more and more approval from our fellow man (and women) and once you start down that path, the Lord's approval (what we should seek) becomes less and less necessary and important to us.  See how many spiritual likes you can get today from the one who matters.  Share his love, and re-pin his grace wherever you can.  Courageously comment, but only to His glory.  Search for his truth in the Word and then post it when you can.  Technology does not have to be our downfall but the Lord showed me yesterday how quickly it could be if we are not careful.  
I want to be clear about one thing: I do not think that we should only post bible verses or characteristics of God.  I think we should be real, because that is attractive to people.   I do not know about you but at least one of my 440 friends on Facebook are not believers.  What will detract from my witness to that person is constant words that they do not understand or agree with..words they do not like at this time in their lives.  What attracts them to me are the unique but relatable characteristics God gave me when he created me.  So the next time someone (believer or non-believer) likes something about you, say a prayer of thanks to the Lord who put that characteristic in you.  There is nothing we can post about that he did not have a hand in.  There is no instagramable image that we can photograph that God did not create.  There are no pins that God did not stick there.  We did not come up with anything on our own. So remember the next time you post, share, pin, like, instagram, and/or blog that it is all His.  Give thanks for these things and the technology that brings them to our eyes so instantaneously but please, please, please do not forget to worship only  the giver of these things, ideas, views, and thoughts- not the actual things, ideas, views, and thoughts themselves or the people who bring them to our eyes.

And here's one more thought on the subject:
I have a secret- I am pretty sure God is the only one who has a "love" button.  He clicks on that when we serve him and serve others and there is no better approval than that.  Here's the best part though, God's default is to LOVE.  That button is stuck, he has taken the key off his laptop and duct tapped it down.  He LOVES us ALL the time.  When we do things for his glory he loves us and when we mess up, he loves us.  When we stray, when we doubt, when we make mistakes, when we are not proud of ourselves, He loves us still.  He may not love everything we do or say or post or share but he loves US- our being- all the time.  He never changes, never alters, never fails. He never "de-friends"  us, he never ceases to follow us.  Put your trust in God, not the crowd, and remember that he is your friend in Jesus Christ.  
*Let it be*

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pictures from Lauren's visit- Round 2

that would be the city covered in smog behind me

Griffith Observatory

lunch on the hay bales at Trails Cafe

softball game!

we won

running the bases with mommy

Pictures from Lauren's visit - First Round

 It is a small world after all!

i love this one. does everyone feel like this at the end of the day?

 The following are taken on Santa Monica Pier

this included because it sums up my life. hair back, run after the kid who quickly approaches life threatening drop offs

 THE city!

Almost Priceless Date Night

We had to try again for our date night while we had a babysitter but we were out of money.  What to do...what to do?
I liked our solution so if you need a cheap date night, listen up.

Two mile walk to restaurant- 0.00$
Two home made "rum and hot cider" cocktails- Prolly 2.00$ each-tops
Walk up service at Mama's Pizza- 0.00$
One ham, pineapple mushroom and goat cheese pie- 20.00$
Surprise cookie food truck on the way home- 1.00$

Result: An almost priceless date night.  
Cheers to my love, and to making it work.  

Sister Shenanigans and Speed Dating

I hope you caught my last post, it was very adventurous! When we returned from San Francisco Sunday, I had only an evening and a morning to get the house ready for my guest! Although she made me promise not to treat her like "cumpny" I could not resist the urge to pull out my best hostess wares and treat her right. A gift from Lindsay after her wedding was helpful and timely (a glass water pitcher with a cup that doubles as a cap).  Trader Joes always provides yummy little snacks to set out and I like to use Mason Jars as containers.  Three roses in full bloom in a pitcher of water from the yard and we were in business.  George's room with the boy colors and toys everywhere was transformed into a cute guest room.  If I could figure out how to keep him out of "his" room while our guests take a shower (sorry E and S) we would be golden.
So she arrived, my lovely sister, on a plane from Seattle where she visited other friends. George was SO excited to see Aunt "Nahwen" as was his momma.  We went directly to Fair Oaks Pharmacy for lunch because that girl is an eater and when her fry gage is OUT.  She also got a coke float with a HUGE scoop of chocolate ice cream.
 We got home in time for a nap for George and she and I just talked.  Monday night we had tacos (one of her faves). Tuesday we took George to preschool and had planned to talk and walk together but then I got roped into one of these classes the cooperative school puts on. It was free, it was during preschool, I pretty much had to go. Lauren was so gracious and read in the sanctuary until I was done.  The talk was about first friendships and talked a lot about sibling relationships. Timely topic for me since I had looked forward to my own first friend and sibling's arrival for over a month now.  Once it was over we walked to Porta Via for coffee and then it was time to pick George up.  Tuesday afternoon we planned out our week loosely so that we could fit everything in that we wanted to.  We decided to go to Disney on Wednesday and of course, it RAINED for the first time since I have been here.  We went anyway and had a blast.  So neat to share that experience with her since the fist time I experienced it was also with her.  We had very different memories of Disney from our childhood but it was fun to re-hash them and at the same time watch George experience his own first impressions of such a special place.
Thursday we took George back to preschool together and then went to Colorado Blvd in Pasadena for coffee.  We had the best conversation and really caught up. Not a "whatcha been up to" but instead a"where's your heart at" kind of conversation.  Loved every minute of it.  She sharpens me, encourages me and challenges me in such love and completeness.  Its like she cares about me just as much as I care about her.  We picked George up and went to watch the trains go by at our favorite little lunch cafe, Buster's.  Then George reminded me that we must get a cupcake from the cupcake shop down the street.  After a nap and a run it was time for date night for me and George!  Lauren has always been our best babysitter  and true to form, she forced us out the door to enjoy some time together sans little G.  Welp, just like the rain on Wednesday an uninvited and unwanted visitor entered our house via cellular phone.  Since we've been here George has been called in zero times for a "replant".  But of course the night we have a free babysitter and plan to go out by ourselves (which would have been a first since we've been here also) he got that call.  We had about 45 minutes so we decided to go out anyway.  We chose the best restaurant in South Pasadena.  We ordered and George asked me how my day was (for the third time, haha).  His mind was anywhere but date night, but he tried to be engaged.  His burger and my salad came and then they called again.  So while he talked outside the restaurant on his phone, I ate. When he returned he ate half and then talked on the phone for the second time.  Needless to say, this was not what either of us had in mind for date night.  Oh well! At least I did not loose any fingers.  Its all about perspective you know? So we returned at 7:15 for a record breaking speedy date night.  Saturday night Lauren gave us a re-do.  See Almost Priceless date night.  So he went in to work again at 7:30 and Lauren and I got more time to talk. We do love to talk!  Friday we went to Santa Monica and saw the ocean and the pier.  We had lunch at Blue Plate Taco and enjoyed every bite.  We saw dolphins and took lots of fun pictures.  Friday night we grilled pork tenderloin and roasted root veggies.  I realize I talk a lot about food, but if my Grandaddy Bill were here that would be his favorite part. That and Fair Oaks Pharmacy (It is still a compounding pharmacy, Grandaddy and they have a soda fountain, just like yours! I so wish I could take you there.) Saturday morning we went to Griffith Park to see the views.  There is a great view of the Hollywood sign and also the city (if the smog is not too bad).  We looked around the Planetarium and then went down the mountain to try Trails Cafe.  It was really good.  I got a slice of pie for lunch (what? it had fruit!) and Lauren and George shared a pastry engulfed hot dog on a stick.  We shared a vegan peanut butter and chocolate chip cookie for dessert (what? get off my back already. you need dessert, even if most consider my lunch to be dessert in itself).  We all rested Saturday afternoon and then George and I went on date night numero dos.  Sunday we went to church and then the flea market (but turned around when we found out there was an entrance fee) and then Lauren got to try "In and Out Burger"- California's version of a hamburger joint that they obsess over much like Southerners obsess over Bojangles.  I can't really see what all the fuss is about but then again, I don't eat hamburgers.   Then we all piled into the car to go to my softball game. That was fun to have my little fan club there.  We went out for our last meal together at Senor Fish and then went to Fosselmans for dessert.  Pasadena's favorite ice-cream Parlour.  All in all it was a great week.  Exhaustion overwhelmed me Monday after I dropped Lauren off at the airport but the exhaustion was well worth it to have such a special visitor.  While she was here she helped out SO much.  I would open the dishwasher to empty it and find it already empty.  I would trudge into the kitchen to put away food after  George went to sleep only to find the counters cleared. I would dread the laundry until I saw it was folded in neat little piles already.  What a blessing a sister is. Someone with which to share your life, your bread, your family and your thoughts.  I am refreshed and recharged by her visit and so thankful she sacrificed to come see me in my new home.  Now it actually feels like home.
we began and ended our visit with icecream 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Big 'SUR' iously? and Trolleys

Hello everyone!! Sorry for the delay! I've just had the best visitor though and she filled my days with so much joy, laughter and sunshine that I simply did not have time to write.  Excuses, excuses.....I know! I'll get right to it... and check back for my post that will detail our week.  She took lots of pictures so I promise to include a few!

Psalm 36:6 "Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep"

Last I wrote, little George and I had arrived home on Sunday, 9/29, after a fun filled weekend at Lindsay and Dan's wedding.

Tuesday afternoon we left on our road trip to Northern California.  Obviously, that left this neat freak one full day to do laundry, clean house, un-pack and re-pack for a week's worth of adventures that spanned from tent camping to nice dinners in San Francisco.  Monday was a doozy.  I got almost everything done but I had counted on Preschool on Tuesday to help me finish my "to-do list".  Tuesday morning I got a call to help in the classroom at preschool because someone was sick. I felt SO horrible but told them I simply could not.  I needed every last minute of preparation time if I was to be ready when George got home from work at 3:00 pm. He would be ready to roll so I needed to be ready too.  Anyone heard of LA traffic? You certainly do not want to leave your house for a five hour road trip right in the middle of 5:00 traffic.  Well, all was on schedule until George's boss asked George to drive him to the 3:30pm.  That put us right in the middle of 5:00 traffic to start our five hour road trip.  yep.  It was not the best road trip we had ever been on. The moment we saw the water off of the PCH though, both our moods changed drastically.  Around 11:30 pm we arrived at our campsite in Big Sur. The place was called Riverside Campground and Cabins.  George set up our tent and we nestled in around midnight.  Little George thought he had died and gone to heaven.  First time in a tent. Nuff said.  We awoke to a chilly fall morning and big George got up to get me coffee. That saint.  We set out to find a waterfall that flows out of a mountain into the ocean. We found it and it was spectacular.  We saw redwoods, and views from high mountains of the ocean.  It was incredible. A dear friend described Big Sur as an obsession and there was no way I could  relate to that until I saw those views. I will post pictures, but it was so much better than the pictures.  They hardly do it justice.  Little George was such a trooper and hiked most of the way himself.  He got so so so dirty and it so happened that he hiked in his best clothes for the week.  Oh well, what can you do....
We went back to the campsite and ate a picnic lunch  of salami, avocado, goat brie and an apple for everyone. We checked into our cabin for our second night and it was so adorable. One room, two double beds, a shower, sink and refrigerator. Little George took a little rest and George relaxed on the patio. I did dishes, and tried to clean up our seemingly constant explosion that was the car and our overnight bags.  That night we went to my new favorite place in California. An overlook with the most irresistible views.  A restaurant called Nepenthe sits on this overlook and blends perfectly with the landscape.  They used the same materials to build the restaurant as are naturally found in the area so it was almost as if it belonged there.  There was no competition for the eye, you are drawn to the view, the ocean, the majestic mountains and the scintillating sunset.  It was cool but not too cold to sit outside and just expensive enough to where we only ordered an appetizer and a bottle of wine. At first we thought the wine much too expensive but after one taste, we knew it was special.  I've never tasted better wine.   Little George got a special drink too and thought he was somebody.  We'll call it a Roy Rogers without caffeine so it does not sound so girly.  He was hyped, we were subdued.  I am still not sure this is a good combo but at any rate, I count this evening the highlight of my week.  That night we roasted hot dogs over an open fire in the fire pit at our cabin.  Then we made.... drum roll please......s'mores!  It was such a special night for our little family of three.  We all slept well after our long hike, great food and plenty of fresh air and woke up excited about our next adventure.  Three hours of pure gorgeousness gave new meaning to the term "the scenic route".  We made it to the city of San Francisco and were quite amazed at how expansive it was.  Once we found our hotel we were all tired and a bit cranky and in need of food, rest and a little family love.  Good thing we found Grammy and G-daddy right away!! Our rooms were not yet ready but Grammy was 100% ready for George.  And George was 200% ready for her.  We lost 2/5 of our party to hand conferences so Grammy, George and I went to lunch.  We just soaked each other up for a good long while and enjoyed a good salad and some hot tea and then went back to the hotel to see if our rooms were ready.  They were so we retreated for naps.  Once everyone had rested we reunited with the other two George's and went to dinner.  I can almost hear Grammy's laugh from where I sit now, neither of us were big fans of the place we went.  "The Golden Era"-Vegetarian. I do not know if it was the Buddha statue that stared at us as we walked in the door or the comments from the peanut gallery about Obamacare as we passed in the night that turned us off more but we were not terribly pleased with this choice in the midst of some of the best food in America.  Once the food came, it was not bad at all, really I loved my fake italian sausage and tofo filet mignon (Thats not at all what I ordered-totally in jest- but it gives you an idea of some of the items that were available for our consumption).  I think it was just the idea of so many good restaurants that were surely right down the alley (and more "up our alley" if you will) but the inability to find them or wait for very long in a nice place with the ticking time bomb that is our son.  All in all, its the people you are with not the food that you eat that matters.  And we had a really nice time.  The next day I was determined to try at least one place that had been recommended to me. I walked to Blue Bottle Coffee about two blocks away from our hotel and it knocked my socks off.  A Gibraltar or Cortado- whatever you wish to call it, it was in my belly after a long- but well worth it- wait.  I finally figured out the difference between a Gibraltar and a Cortado.  The term Gibraltar was actually created in San Fran so it was nice of the barista to not look at my funny.  It has two shots of espresso topped with four ounces of steamed milk.  They are basically the same, but Cortado (if both are on the menu) is a slightly longer pour of milk.  So there you go, you cannot say I never taught you anything.  Enough about my morning coffee.  Grammy and I set out on our own adventure when I returned.  We found Golden Gate Park and had a grand morning.  I went for a much needed run and Grammy and George scooted and spent some time together.  What a beautiful park.  I set out to find the water because having looked at a map, I knew one edge of the seven mile diameter abutted the ocean.  I had no idea where to look but somehow ended up with the wind in my hair and the salt in my face.  The older I get the more I believe I inherited my daddy's salty blood.  I can just smell my way to any ocean.  We came back to the hotel and George napped in Grammy's room.  I went on a mission to find my friend Lauren. Her husband is also at this conference and she's stuck here without a Grammy and with a not even one year old.  Bless her.  I went to the gift shop and got cookies and the best chocolate I could find plus two club sodas.  I finally found her and we spent about an hour together as we hashed out the details of the last few days worth of adventures.  Again, can I say how thankful I am for her?  I am so thankful for a friend to experience all of this weirdly difficult but fun journey.  The cookies and chocolate worked their magic and we both felt better about the craziness of the past few days after our talk.  Our husbands had a dinner that night so Grammy and G-daddy invited her to dinner with us.  She got as far as the front door and then it was the little one's bedtime.  I got a little farther; George lasted until my fig, proscuitto and goat cheese pizza was placed before me and then he melted almost like the mozzerella on the pie.  I picked him up, thanked the grands and asked if they would please deliver my dinner to my room.  Sleepy babies make the worst dinner dates. *Smile* but the BEST snugglers.  George and I snuggled a while before he fell asleep.  The next morning we had to say goodbye to our sweet sweet Grammy and G-daddy.  George took the day off and we decided it would not be a trip to San Francisco without a trolley ride.  We waited in a 45 minute line to board and bobbed up and down the steep hills of the streets of San Fran.  What a thrill! What a bucket list item, right?!  We rode all the way to the pier and then shared a bread bowl of crab chowder.  Then we made our way to the Elephant Seals and wow, did they put on a show!  There are probably 100 seals on the docks.  They grunt and bark and shoulder each other.  Ok, let me change that, the MALES bark and grunt and shoulder each other off the docks and the females are straight- chillin'.  What a life!  It was incredible to watch these animals in their semi- natural environment and not behind the glass of a zoo.  We probably stood there for a good 45 minutes.  After we finally tired of the seals, we caught a taxi back to the hotel.  If you think this does not deserve a sentence or two you are wrong.  The hills were crazy scary and the cabby did not even seem to notice.  I think he smirked most of the time and laughed out loud at our ignorance more than once.  We made it back to the hotel in one piece and then took the car to Golden Gate park where we had hoped to settle into some bluegrass and other music at the Hardly Strickly Bluegrass Festival.  This is where the story starts to go downhill so suffice it to say that we left San Francisco in much the way we came- confused, tearful and road raged- but this time I had a twisted right ankle to boot (I had boots on too coincidentally).  Basically I fell out of the car as I tried to save a spot for us. Another car tried to back into the spot where I flailed helplessly on the ground. AND a spider tried to attack me in my moment of weakness.  Just imagine me as I tried to exterminate with my bad foot and limp with my good one.   God- are spiders really necessary???????  You will be happy to hear that I was not in fact backed over or eaten by the spider- my good husband came to my rescue and scooped me up just in time.  Have you ever seen the Austin Powers movie where the steamroller is about to roll over them and it is sooooooo sloooooooow? It reminded me of that.  Anyway.  We nixed the Bluegrass Festival and decided to drive over the Golden Gate Bridge instead.  It was probably the best decision anyway.

We made it to Mary and Steve's abode and I had never been happier to see such a cozy place away from city life with dinner prepared for me and where no google maps were necessary to make it to the bathroom or the bedroom or anywhere for at least twelve hours.  We had a grilled chicken and veggies and some seasonal pumpkin ale.  It was heaven at that moment.  They were so gracious and wonderful and treated us like family.  Mary even read stories to George with me and that was one of the most special moments of our friendship to me.  Its incredible to have your dear friends really know your children.  We awoke and they sent us on our lengthy journey with coffee and a full belly. I gave her a bag of Blue Bottle Coffee and I left with four bags of deliciousness.  That's a good friend.  I should note that by the time we left Mary and little George found they had a lot in common.  Start with blankie, then pound puppy, neither really love to shower....just had to throw that in.  What special friends and special times.  The fact that I am not alone on the West Coast comforts me.  We made it home that afternoon at 3:00 and I laundered and cleaned and un-packed all afternoon- with a sore ankle.  George and I knocked it all out though and fell into bed early.  Good trip. We were now exhausted but had experienced so much since we left almost a week before.

Psalm 36:6 "Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep"

that is our three shadows. look at me trying to be artistic.