Thursday, March 13, 2014


I don't have long because George is awake and will call my name again any second.  I still want to give an update because we've had a lot of fun the past few days and I hate when I get so behind I don't even know where to start.
Thursday- I hate Momo the clock.  He turned our regularly calm morning into a screaming match.  And I am pretty sure I lost.  6:30am- I wake to hear George playing in his room (I knew I had set Momo to wake at 7:00) so I thought,"Great, its working"  George must have heard my thoughts because he yelled, "Is it time to wake up?" I yelled back, "Are Momo's eyes open?" (I knew they were not, or shouldn't be) to which George replied "YES"and I with a quizzical look, "YES?"  and finally, George with "YES!" "Nooooooo" <---- that was me.  I walked in a sure enough, Momo had opened his cute little eyes.  Stupid little monkey almost got thrown against the wall.  (I should remind you that I was operating on a 30 day week since my last weekend with my husband was in January- I normally don't desire to throw cute defenseless monkey clocks against the wall).  Then George said, "I opened them".  OK. Isn't it kind of THE POINT of this expensive clock that kids are not supposed to be able to control when they wake up?  Why is it so easy to figure out? Come ON makers of Momo…..I put Momo back to sleep and screams ensued over the next 30 minutes.  "Good Morning!!!!!" (read with chirpy sarcastic voice).
Thank goodness it was a school day! I dropped him off and when I picked him up, he was on the leader chair with his leader badge, so proud of himself! He is a pretty adorable leader, I think I would follow him anywhere.
The next thing I knew he had invited Natalie to the park with us.  It was pretty funny because I don't know Natalie's mom very well but as we collected our things, George just totally invited her without my help, direction, or counsel.  It turned out to be a great thing, me and Natalie's mom really hit it off and it turns out her husband writes for TV shows- probably ones you have heard of!  Everyone here is in the "Biz"  I had a friend turn me down to hang out the other day because, "pilot season is just so hectic, can we reschedule till after March?"  I am happy to acquiesce but feel a little dumb because its something folks here don't think twice about.  March is pilot season, who knew? Apparently the writers find out what they have been selected for in March and April because my new friend said if her husband got anything really good, she'd take me on set when the episode is filmed.  Man, what a different world!  Good choice of friends to invite to the park, George! Really though, I was thankful he invited them, I really liked Natalie's mom, regardless of her husbands profession.  Thursday night we went to the farmers market and who is the first person we see? Natalie, again!  Thats the South Pasadena community, such a small small town!  After Natalie left, George found another friend named Matthew and I sat and talked to a friend for the majority of the night while they played.  

Friday I took George to disney because, well, no reason! Its close, its gorgeous out, we had nothing else to do and I thought for my first fast of the lenten season I would need some distractions if I was to complete the sun up to sun down fast to which I have committed.  Disney definitely provides distractions.  I was fine until George wanted a greasy corn dog and then I paid 7$ for said corn dog and then he ate about three bites. Its 5:30 pm,  I've fasted all day, there is a (7dollar) piping hot corn dog in my face that smells like heaven and I have walked all over two parks worth of Disney since 11 am.  What would you have done?  Judge not, lest ye be judged.  Thank goodness for "try agains" which we learned about from the sermon Sunday.  We serve a God who always allows for "try agains" no matter how bad the mistake.  Remember that.  Saturday we had our first day as a family in over 30 days.  Well, not quite…I had to work at the school from 9-12 but it was so good that George was home to allow me to fulfill my commitments.  Saturday night was Cole's pirate themed birthday party.  I walked in the house about 15 minutes before the party started and had the idea that we should dress up as pirates for the party.  Everyone was on board..pun intended.  Big George made eyepatches, and I drew a brown pirate scruff beard on little George and tied a silk scarf of mine around his head.  He went with no shoes, no shirt and some brown cargo shorts.  He was to-die-for-cute.  Paired with a foam sword we had around the house, he was the cutest pirate in the WORLD.  I looked more like a gypsy, and George looked like the preppiest pirate you have ever seen with his tucked in button down, short khakis and boat shoes (they were boat shoes at least).  He wore a bandana and an eyepatch. Frat-tastic pirate.  The best entrance ever, little George charged down the driveway as he waved his sword overhead, and yelled, "ARRRRGGG, I m a pirate matey!!".  It was seriously so cute.  It was a really fun party, they even had a pirate ship bouncy house.  I asked my friend if I could borrow a shirt for George to put on because the kids he didn't know referred to him as "Naked Man"and continued to yell his new name at the tops of their lungs.  He came up to me at one point and said, "Those boys are yelling at me.  See, they  think I am really a pirate, but I'm just pretending".  We set them straight.  Made them walk the plank.

Sunday was a good day too.  George worked in the morning and then met us at church.  Church was fantastic and then we came home to rest.  My fan club joined me at my game that afternoon and I got three solid hits, even a triple!!!! I was pretty proud.  Then we went to Hi-Life Burger to put a cap on our great weekend and to celebrate the fact that I did not break a single bone.

This week I feel I am finally settled- someone asked ME for directions to a park and I prayed with a friend on a park bench.  I also purchased a baseball cap that says, "California Love".  I think I can safely say I live here, I am settled here, I am a local.

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