Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Momo and Trains

Sunday we totally missed church.  Once a month the time changes so that the two services can worship together and so that we can have communion as a whole church.  Our normal service starts at 11:30 and so around 11:00 when I began to get ready for church, it hit me…OH NO! We felt so guilty but decided to make the best of it and go out to breakfast.  We went to this place called Colonial Kitchen.  It is a blast from the past.  It reminds me of my mom's and/or dad's small hometown.  We got pancakes and waffles and fresh squeezed OJ.  Nice little family outing.  Then the George's fell asleep in little George's bed.  My softball games were rained out because the fields were too wet.  Kind of nice to just relax!

Monday was a long but good day too. We ran to Lacy Park and met Berkeley and her sis in law and her three kiddos.  We had a great day.  George didn't nap. Monday night he went to bed before daddy got home.

Tuesday he went to school and I went for an awesome run.  Not sure of the milage but it was about an hour and twenty minutes.  We got a package in the mail and he was so excited! That boy LOVES getting mail!  MoMo has arrived at our house.  Since George is has decided not to nap, days have become unbearably long for me.  I decided to get this Monkey clock that shuts his eyes when its sleepy time and opens them when you can get up.  It totally failed Tuesday at nap time and Wednesday morning.  First I set it wrong and Momo's eyes opened 20 minutes into Georges "nap".  He excitedly brought MoMo to me….grrrr….so I told George that Momo was new to our house and did not know how long our naps were.  I reset it and told George we would forgive Momo just this once.  Then the gosh darn yard crew came and began to blow, mow, weed eat for EVER.  George says, "Mommy- I cant sleep with that noise".  First world problems, I know. I gave him a book until they left.  40 minutes later, "Mommy, his eyes are still closed".  After 30 minutes of that, I told him he could play quietly since it was obvious there would be no nap today.  After an hour, two injuries, a popsicle to fix said injury, and a meltdown about the iPad, I got really upset.  I was determined that Momo would help me so I set it again.  It was 4:15 by this point and I set Momo for 5.  I told George if he ever wanted to see MoMo again, he would follow Momo's rules or I would send Momo back with the postman tomorrow.  Welp, he sure did stay quiet after he finished hiccuping from crying so hard about the iPad.  Again, first world problems.  At 5:00 my saving grace walked in the door….not big George…..Lauren and Tac.  We have tried to resume our weekly Tuesday night get togethers while our husbands are in conference together.  We made a cake and snacked and the boys played.  They have started to play together some which is nice.  After they left, I finally got him to bed and wanted to fall asleep myself but I waited for George to get home.  By the time we got into bed I guess I missed my sleep window because I  could not sleep until 1am this morning.  Then  little George was so excited about Momo that he woke up 45 minutes earlier than usual to see if MoMo's eyes were open…and then proceeded to come tell me that Momo's eyes were still closed.  If he were not asleep at this very moment for his first nap this week, I would throw Momo in the garbage.  Hopefully from here on out, we'll have more peace at rest time and at night time.  Fingers crossed…for Momo's sake.

This morning we went to Traveltown, which is an old train graveyard.  The kids can go in some and around most of the trains.  There is also a kiddy train that takes you around the park.  He had a blast.  He had so much fun that he had an accident and we had to leave.  This was not a happy moment.  Bloodcurdling screams and a soaking wet little boy being carried out of the park.  It was quite a scene.  (Sorry, 18 year old George- I know this must be a little embarrassing.  But 31 year old you will appreciate the knowledge that his kids are normal when they do things like this! And plus, I have to tell it like it is because these people reading think I am on vacation this year, they need to know that what I'm doing is WORK most of the time, although we do play a lot….) Here's some pictures!
I think this would be an awesome place for a photo shoot for little boys or even brides or engagement pictures! The old trains were all at one time in working order.  Really neat place.

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