Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend was full and lots of fun.  In the morning I ran and the Georges went to breakfast.  I love their little tradition.  Whenever they can, they go out to breakfast.  Then, we had a birthday party to attend.  I took little George and he had a blast at an indoor playground with all his friends from school.  I have always wanted to go to this particular indoor playground, but have been waiting for a "bad weather day" to go indoors to play.  I have never found a good opportunity.  I bet you non- Californians are getting real tired of me bragging about the weather here.  Theres only like two months left of it so it'll be fine, you'll forgive me :)

After the birthday party we returned home and I tried to get George to nap while I prepared for big George's birthday party.  Nope, not gonna do it.  So I wore out the floor between the kitchen and his room over the next three hours as I put together potatoes, veggies, cheese and crackers, key lime pie and blackberry cobbler.  Not to mention tidy-ing up the house for company.  I don't think that part of me could be beat out of me with a stick.  I have become a lot more "chill" about things as I have adopted a new "California" set of rules for myself, but I can't NOT clean up before having guests over.  We had the best time.  There were about 15 or so friends who came over and blessed us with gifts (mostly in the form of beer) for George.  I thought I had been clear about no gifts, but alas, our lovely friends blessed us.  There was a beautiful Easter Lily, a Cheesecake factory gift card, 2 bottles of Georges favorite beer  from two separate folks, cigars, and more beer.  Everyone brought a dish to share as well.  We listened to music and grilled and just had a nice, casual time as we celebrated George.  My cobbler and pie were heavily complimented which always makes me happier than anything.  I love to please peoples taste buds with sugar and butter.  Its what I do!  I think George felt special to have so many there to celebrate him.  That makes me happier than any compliment anyone could give me, truly it does.  

Sunday was great, the Easter bunny came and brought wonderful goodies to Georgie.  He woke up and saw the spread and said, "What is this?" with every word a little louder and higher pitched than the last.  I had not prepped him much on the "Easter Bunny".  Church was beautiful and lots of our friends joined us.  They had an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids after the service and George was HILARIOUS.  Apparently I did not prep my three year old about any of the secular traditions of Easter.  He knew that Jesus died on the cross and rose again though.  My job is done.  So the hilarious part was after the adult who led the hunt said, "Ready, Set, GO" George ran about three feet and then looked at me and then just began to run around in circles.  Zoe, Evey, Madeline, were off like little bunnies but George had no clue what to do.  Then good ol Dad jumped in to save the day (I was laughing too hard).  Big George taught him how to run and find eggs and put them in his basket (*correction Tac's basket because we did not think to bring his Easter basket to the hunt).  Once he got the hang of it, he loved it!  We went home, had a little rest and then went for a family walk and enjoyed each others' presence.  It was warm and breezy and lots of families were in their front yards.  When we returned, we saw Thumper, (hop hop) immediately….OH wait, let me back up….
Before our walk, Karen (or landlady) asked me to please close the gate because her bunny escaped and she was afraid Thumper (Hop Hop) was lost forever.  I was sad for her and relayed the message to George and George.  Little George was very concerned and called out for Thumper our whole walk.  George and I laughed that the bunny was having the best day of its little bunny life, free from the cage.  
OK so we get home and I immediately saw him amongst the thorns of the rosebush.  The three of us surrounded him and tried several times to catch the bunny.  It was so hilarious y'all.  That little thing was fast.  We all looked like fools except for little George who giggled the whole time and just looked cute.  So I guess that makes me and big George the foolish looking ones.  After about ten tries, I got my fingers around that tiny little body with legs just a thrashin' and heart a beatin' a mile a minute.  I looked up and exclaimed "I got em I got em! Open the cage" 

So, there's the story of how I saved the Easter Bunny on Easter the spring of 2014.  Saved him from the best day of his little bunny life…

 George and Kaden at the birthday party, "Look, we're sweating"

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