Thursday, November 21, 2013

Why is it so HARD to Schedule a HARDware Removal?

After another day of confusion and frustration, I am now finally scheduled for hardware removal on Monday morning at 11:30 am.  I will spare you the details of the many long and drawn out conversations both George and I had with the insurance company and assistants at the doctor's office.  Suffice it to say, we think these wires will be off my face by Monday evening.  Lets keep our fingers crossed.  I will tell you one thing….the assistant told me I would need to be NPO after midnight on Sunday (only because I interrupted her as she tried to say goodbye to ask this question) so I better eat a heavy dinner Sunday night.  A heavy dinner…right.  She obviously has never had her jaws wired shut  before.  There is nothing heavy about anything I eaten lately…well, I guess that half jar of melted peanut butter could be considered heavy…..

So to make Wednesday go by faster I took George to Disney.  This makes our fourth trip.  I am really gonna miss the close proximity to Disney when we move back to NC.  He met Donald who is now his favorite character apparently.
Can you believe how tall George looks?

Also worth a little shout out….IT RAINED today.  And rained hard!!  George's school was even cancelled because the power went out.  Now I know northerners make fun of Southerners when we cease to exist because of a 1/4 inch of snow but for the power to go out because of the same amount of rain is just funny to me.  It was so nice to hear the rain.  Since our bedroom used to be a sunroom the ceiling and walls are very thin and as I awoke this morning, the sound of the rain was reminiscent of a summer medium sprinkle under a tin roof.  I let myself go back to sleep and just enjoy it.  Normally I would feel bad that I have shared this with people that I know work very hard and never get this opportunity but today it just felt like a little gift from God - to me, his daughter.  Like he was trying to tell me, "I know you've been through a lot, but I will bring you through it. Enjoy this little gift of rain today".  And so I did.  We thawed out the rest of mom's spaghetti sauce tonight and the boys really enjoyed it! I enjoyed my tomato soup too for the record.  Three more days of wires.  If I can get through tomorrow, I have a busy weekend to keep me company.  Coffee with a new friend Saturday morning, then I get to bake my first apple pie of the season.  Sunday we have church and then our playoff game and then I will make cornbread.  All of these baked good will be enjoyed by others at a gathering of friends for Thanksgiving dinner Sunday night.  Maybe there will be leftovers. Then I will eat my heavy dinner of pureed corn soup and a banana milkshake.  That will be the last pureed soup and milkshake for a long long while.  I hope. And I pray.  Have a great weekend everyone!!

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