Monday, November 4, 2013

'Tis the Season for Soup

I thought of another thing I am thankful for....I am thankful that this accident happened during "soup season" because that is all I can eat.  I cannot imagine how I would feel about the consumption of hot tomato soup in the middle of the summer but it sure does hit the spot on these cool fall nights.  I mentioned my mom made me four types of soup.  I gave her my favorite recipe cards and she made them happen with additions and substitutions of her own.  She made my favorite-favorite Spinach Soup.  She made Brocolli-Cheddar soup (which, honestly I rarely indulge in because its not the healthiest for you).  She made Potato-Leek Soup and Curried Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup.  The only recipe I can give you is the one for Spinach Soup. For the others, she did her "thing" and mixed and matched several recipe cards with her own knowledge of how to put something absolutely scrumptious together.  And they were all absolutely scrumptious.

Becca's Favorite Favorite Spinach Soup
2 garlic cloves
1/2 medium onion chopped
1 stalk celery
1 medium potato peeled and cubed
2 cups chicken or veggie broth
2 cups milk
1 - 6oz bag of fresh spinach

Heat EVOO in large saucepan.  Sauté garlic, onion, celery and potato for 5 minutes.
Add chicken broth and milk. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in half the spinach, cover and simmer for 10 more minutes.  Cool slightly, then transfer soup to blender WORKING IN BATCHES. (DO NOT- under any circumstances- think you can put all this soup in one blender. Just trust me on this one unless you want to change the paint color in your kitchen, ceilings etc. to seaweed green).  Or if you are a lucky duck and have a hand immersion blender, use that.  Add remaining spinach and blend until smooth. I always add red pepper flakes at the end - just a little, you can ALWAYS add more but you can never take spice out.  SO SO GOOD!

Today I tried my hand at a soup recipe I've had my eye on since before my jaw was broken and it does not disappoint!  In fact at this moment I have a mug of it's excellency on my nightside table.  If I did not need it pureed, I would have left it chunky but it is packed with flavor so I do not miss the texture quite as much.   The recipe below happens to be from Slimming Eats.  I added some "non-slimming" ingredients to get more fat and calories in.  Either way, its delicious.

Spicy Tomato and Lentil Soup

Serves 4
  • ¾ cup (175ml) of uncooked red lentils, rinsed
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic crushed
  • 1 stick of celery, finely chopped
  • 1 leek, finely chopped
  • 300g of sweet potato, chopped (like 2 or 3)
  • some freshly ginger grated
  • 1 tsp of ground cumin
  • 1 splash of tabasco sauce
  • 2 teaspoons of paprika
  • ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 500g of ripe tomatoes, skinned and chopped finely (or use a tinned chopped) ( I used one HUGE can of whole Romas since I knew I would puree)
  • 2 litres of vegetable stock
  • 2 tbsp of tomato puree ( I did not use because I put whole can of tomatoes and included juice)
  • salt and black pepper to season
  • low calorie spray
  • fat free natural yoghurt and fresh parsley to serve
  1. Spray a large saucepan over a medium high heat with low calorie spray. Add the onion, leek, celery and fry until softened.
  2. Add the lentils, sweet potato, garlic, ginger, cumin, paprika, cayenne and tomato paste and stir to evenly mix.
  3. Add the stock, tomatoes and tabasco sauce. Bring to the boil, then lower the heat and simmer for about 40mins until lentils are soft. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
  4. If you prefer a smoother soup, then you can blend it to your liking. I prefer to leave this soup as it is. (I ended up adding water and soy milk to make it thin enough for me to drink)
  5. Serve topped with a spoonful of fat free natural yoghurt and some chopped fresh parsley.
I added 5 oz chèvre, soy milk, and extra sweet potatoes.  I deleted some of the spice because whereas I usually enjoy spicy foods, it burns too much with the way the wires have treated my gums, lips and teeth.  I hope you will try this soup. Its amazing.  I used a hand immersion blender that a friend let me borrow (Thanks LC!!). I added the goat cheese and extra water at the end to make it thin enough to drink and it worked great!

Today was my first Post-Op appointment and my first day home alone with George since all this happened.  I asked a friend to watch George while I went to the appointment and she was happy to do it since our kiddos are great friends.  You might remember her from a previous post- her dad is the one with the motorcycle!  The appointment went well and the doctor said most likely these wires will come off November 25th.  Yes, that is three days before Thanksgiving so hopefully I will at least be able to eat some mashed potatoes.  Not sure if I will be able to open wide enough for a Turkey leg by then- we'll see.  He said it will be an outpatient surgery so I will undergo anesthesia and need a ride to and from the office.  So unless any of you want to come take me to the doctor that day George will have to take off another day of work.  I sure hope they don't fire him!! Only joking, I am sure they will understand and we will be able to work it out.  The appointment was quick, easy to find and uneventful- all that I hoped it would be.  George had a wonderful time with his friend and we came home. He did whine and cry for some reason today until I put him in front of the iPad.  I believe I will count on that tool for a successful week alone with him under these circumstances.  Thank goodness for technology.
Now he is asleep and I may not wake him up until George gets home.  I am sure I will get the energy I need because of this promise:

"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." (Jer.31:25)


  1. So glad your appointment went well yesterday. You are such an inspiration - making the best of your situation, trying and enjoying (and sharing) soup recipes, etc. Glad the wires come off before Thanksgiving. Even if you still can't eat much at that point, the wires will be off for better gabbing.

    1. Thank you Susan. You are an inspiration to me...funny how that works out huh? And I CANT WAIT to gab with you over Thanksgiving.
