Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Baby Steps

We had a chill weekend, possibly because it was so short.  Sunday George went into work for a ten hour surgery. He left at 5:00 am and did not return until 6:00 pm.  So, George and I went to church by ourselves and of course, he would not go to the nursery. So he stayed with me in church and was pretty good but I did not hear much of the sermon.  So the whole day felt like just another Monday instead of Sunday and then it was over and I had not mentally checked any days off the week's calendar as I looked towards the next weekend.

Our stroller popped a tube so I had to search for an REI to get it fixed.  I found one and also found a very helpful sales associate who gave me tons of great ideas for trails. I proceeded to research them and saw all the posts about encounters with bears and other "wildlife".  No, thank you.  I will stick to my boring neighborhood routes and take the risk of being hit by a car.  At least the car would not EAT me after it hit me.  I seriously got chills as I looked at these pictures people had taken of grizzles they saw while on the trail. What the heck. Why did you wait around to take a picture???

Our actual Monday was pretty tame and uneventful as well.  My favorite part was FaceTime with my girlfriends.  Just the sight of them lifted my spirits and was the highlight of my day. I miss our every other week get togethers so much, but thanks to technology I can at least see them every once in a while.  They are super friends and I just love them.

Tuesday, however, was a huge day! I hardly had time to check Facebook! What have I missed!?!?! I hope you can sense the sarcasm but it was that busy of a day and it felt good.

We went to George's new school for an open house.  He had a blast. First went to the playground, where he met his wonderful teachers and I met the other children who will be in his class and their  parents.  Then we went on a treasure hunt of the classroom where we checked off the locations of all the important things: the potty, the sink, the cubbies-where he found a Hershey's kiss- the circle mat, the birthday board, the "watch me grow" chart, the paint easels and the big blocks.   I tell you what, to see his little picture up in several places was surreal.  To imagine that someone else will direct his play, steer him in the right direction, discipline him, comfort him, and teach him was, well, I can't quite put into words what it felt like.  It was a relief to see and meet others who care about his education, and emotional intelligence and feel called to teach these young sweet ones.  It was a relief to feel my burden lifted just a little.  It was also a little sad to be know that this will begin the process of healthy growth of my child as I  "let him go" little by little.  I realize that before long he will be own his own in college.  Thank goodness we are expected to only accomplish this by baby steps.  Preschool, then Kindergarten, then grade school and camps, then high school and sports....then college and beyond.  Baby Steps.

He LOVED the train table and it was all I could do to get him away from it to find all the things we were supposed to hunt for.  They painted a name tag for themselves and took a "first day" picture.  He was a very big boy and I was proud of him.  He shook the teacher's hand and said " Nice to meet you" and then halfway through the treasure hunt he bypassed me and went straight to the director and said "Do they have a potty? I need to go Pee Pees" At the end they found  a treasure box full of little treats to take home.  He chose a lizard ring, after I made him put back the spider ring.  SORRY. I don't do spiders, kid.

After we digested this experience for a few moments in the parking lot and discussed all the fun things we saw and did over a bag of Pirate's Booty, we had a first playdate with his friend from church and her mommy (the preachers family).  This was a lot of fun. Those two play well together.  As he napped, I cleaned and then Lauren and Tac came over for our weekly "Mommy's happy hour".  He was still asleep when they arrived and it was kind of nice to talk to Lauren like a real person.  Tac was so cute because he just learned to stand and occasionally he takes a step or two.  It brought back good memories and I can't believe how fast the time has passed since I had encouraged George's every first step.  We had to clap every time he stood up. He would stand, turn around, and look at us as he waited for his applause.  So sweet.  He LOVES Dean and squeals with delight at the sight of the big black doggie, especially when Dean licks his toes.  George woke up and was hesitant to share his toys.  We have got to get more kids over here so he can practice that.  Once again, preschool will be so good for him.
When big George got home around 8:45, he heard our giggles from the dark room where George was supposed to be getting sleepy. He came in to the room and little G was excited to tell him all about his day at preschool.  It was so special to be there as a family as G shared his day with his Daddy.
Whew! What a full day.
Not sure what we should do Wednesday but I think it should be restful!

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