Friday, September 6, 2013

Put on the Armor

Floods of Blessings this week but still not a drop of rain.

Tuesday, George found out that he passed Step One of the Orthopaedic Board Exam! Praise the Lord! So much prayer and preparation went into the successful completion of this exam.  The many early mornings, late nights, missed meals and even arguments it costed our family, the many hours put away behind those "Ortho-Bullets" and the immersion in his study guides and books was well worth it now that a "pass" has been granted.  A PASS to perform, a PASS to put into practice all the skills and knowledge imparted to him by devoted role models and teachers, a PASS to provide for his family, a PASS to perfect his skills as he practices.  This pass to the profession that George is so passionate about is such a joy and blessing from God.  We feel it is as if God is in agreement with us that this is indeed the path he has set for George.  By this pass, we are welcomed into his army of helping healers.  God is the Great Healer and Physician but gives some of his children the gift of a medical mind and the gift of sure, strong, precise hands.  He has given George both of these gifts and I can say that George has listened and obeyed his heavenly Father (and his earthly father too) in his decision to follow this long, rocky, but blessed path.  Praise be to GOD!

Our second blessing of the week came on Wednesday. A nurse found George's loupes that he lost (read about that here) last week.  She- thankfully- placed them in a locked cabinet to keep them safe, but -unluckily- went on a long weekend vacation.  She sought him out Wednesday and said, "Have you been looking for your loupes? I have them!"  Wow, thank you God for that.  Now we can buy groceries this month (That was in jest but it is not that far from the truth).

Our third blessing came at four in the morning on Thursday.  Georgie got out of bed and came to get me to sleep with him for the fourth morning in a row.  Keep in mind I fall asleep with him at night at this point and did not get into my bed the night before until 10:45pm. Keep in mind also that I have been sick this week.  I have had a horrible cold that has left me with no energy but plenty of stuffiness and fullness in my head.  So I hit that point. I said to my sleepy three year old 'No- I will not come right now, its too early, go back to bed".  That phrase is a lot easier said than done, I can tell you. I did not exactly "stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around my waist".... That little sleepy face.... So I agreed to tuck him in. That led to potty time which led to water time which ultimately led to big George's entrance as Mean-Daddy-that-gets-the-job-done-time.  So I turned my fan on so I could not hear anything that was said/yelled and tried to go to sleep.  Poor big George, he had to be be the bad cop. He felt so bad, no one likes to yell or lay down the law.  OK- I realize this does not sound like a blessing at the will get there.  Eventually after two hours of screams and tears and chaos, Georgie fell asleep.  It was a late morning for husband George so before he left for work we sat together and had a few moments as husband and wife, in this hard season- together.  We talked for a few golden moments and then said a little prayer about our next few days.  You see, we decided in this moment to rip the band-aid off in the sleep department.  No more Mr. Nice Mom, no more late nights in little George's bed, no more naps with him either.  We are sure it confuses him and we know what we have to do.  We are now prepared.  Prayer is preparation.  Prayer is when you put on the armor of the Lord and go into battle.  I must admit, prayer together is one of the areas in our lives that could use some practice and work.  Its not a regular occurrence and we'd both like that to change.  At any rate, we did this morning and it felt good to let the Lord help carry our burden, no- TAKE our burden from our shoulders.  We gave it to him "Lord, we need help. We cant do this.  Help us"

So when George awoke for the second time on Thursday morning we went on a beach trip.  We decided on Santa Monica Pier out of convenience.  A run on the boardwalk and then my second workout- the trek to the ocean from the boardwalk with everything a three year old requires on the beach, stroller and all.  I bet I am a funny sight- bathing suit and running shoes clad as I, head down and arms extended push that orange stroller with all my might that is filled to the brim with sand toys, lunch, blankets and towels.  And there's little George who will... maybe, if he's in the mood... carry one cup and complain about it the whole time.

We had a full day, came home and George was too exhausted to sleep so he played quietly in his room.  When George came home from work, I had to go to a meeting for George's preschool.  I came home fully prepared for a huge disaster.  Just where is my trust? Come on Becca, "Take up the shield of FAITH!" Big G just looked at me and said, "He did awesome!"  So there you go, our third blessing of the week.
After another meeting at his preschool Friday morning, we celebrated this victory with some extra-special stickers for his sticker chart, a trip to McDonalds (yes, they do have them here-hard to find but they do exist) for a happy meal and a cupcake from "My Sweet Cupcake" downtown South Pas.  He chose a day old mini cupcake with a pink dot and I got one for me and big G also (because really, its a victory for us too!) I got lemon curd for me and German Chocolate for George. Ok- I feel bad. I actually got two for me.  They had key lime and I just could not decide!!!
I am very very very excited about his preschool classroom and teachers. They seem like they really know their stuff.  We have a classroom drop in day next Tuesday and his first day by himself is Thursday.  I am slightly anxious but I know he will eventually get the hang of it.  I will have to put on the armor of God and have my feet "fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace" (Eph 6:15) in order to leave my little guy for the first time in a setting of that nature.... the "real world" I guess.

Finally, "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests." Eph 6:17-18

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