Friday, September 13, 2013

Elements to a successful start of preschool

As promised, the details of George's first day of preschool ad nauseum.
The quick and dirty, the day was absolutely perfect.  Everyone but Nana and Grammy may continue with their day now.

George woke up earlier than usual which turned out to be a good thing. I had just enough time to pray about our day but not enough time to agonize over it before he ran into my room and jumped on the couch/love seat with me.  Over the past few weeks, this spot has become sacred to me.  It is where I start my day, pray by myself and with George, where I read the Word, and where Georgie always finds me when he wakes up.  Anyone who has had a three year old knows that those few moments right after they wake up are the most special, sweet moments.  As soon as the blood starts to flow the crazy sets in.  But these sweet morning moments are some of my favorites. He just grins at me and does the sleepy laugh at whatever I say or do.  Its the ONLY time when he allows himself to be snuggled for longer than fifteen seconds.
So before he came in I prayed for God to help him do well today. The Spirit also prompted me to pray for myself, that I would be ready to let him go to school.   As I look back, this was key.  Children read our emotions and moods so clearly.  We had eggs, toast and banana and got dressed.  Then I decided to go ahead and get my run in for two reasons.
#1- Completely selfish. It would not happen if I did not do it before I took him to school
#2- He always notices when I wear anything other than runner's shorts and a tank top or t-shirt.  There's a reason I do not have a fashion blog. If I as much as put on shorts that are not cotton or rayon, he always stops what he is in the middle of, mid-sentence usually, and asks "Mom-where are we going?". Poor thing. It confuses the heck out of him when I put on clothes.
So today I decided we would stick to our "norm" as much as possible.  Who cares what the other families think if I am the stinky, sweaty mom at drop off? While on our run I tried to talk as much about school as I could. I have just learned that it is actually a good thing to go ahead and talk about these things when he is in an environment where he feels comfortable.  That way I can steer his thoughts in a more healthy direction while he feels very secure.  I even went as far as to ask him if he would cry when I left.  He told me that he would not cry.  So I asked him what he would do if someone else cried.    He did not know so I told him that I packed stickers in his book bag and he could give them one and tell them it will be okay.  He said, "If its a gwirl (girl), I would rub their back".  I thought that was pretty darn sweet.
Why stickers? When I was in the second grade, our family moved to a new city. I was very nervous to go to school and make friends.  I still bite my nails to this day because of that move.  But my wonderful Mom gave me some of the best advice and a great tool for that process- a pack of stickers.  Share a gift with someone and it warms their heart. And yours too. She told me that if I saw someone that I wanted to be friends with, I could offer them a sticker and ask them to play.  This has remained in my toolbox for "how to make a friend" for over 20 years.  I find myself in the kitchen a lot these days as I bake and make lemonade for new friends, the adult version of those stickers. So thanks Mom, you probably never knew those sticker trick would- well- stick.  
 We got there a little before drop off time (I know, I was surprised too!) so we talked with the other kids and their parents. When they opened the gate we had a few things to accomplish.  Find your owl name tag, sign in and put your picture on the felt board to show that you are "here".  Once we did all we were supposed to do, George made a bee line for the train table.  His teacher saw him and said hello and he stopped and turned to her and said, "Can you pway wif me?".  She looked a little surprised but took his hand and said, "Sure I can, what do you want to play with?".  So I called after him and told him I would leave now and he walked over, gave me a hug and a kiss and a wave and a "byebyeseeyouwaiter"and that was it.  So I left and felt as free and as satisfied as I have in awhile.  And I didn't even cry either!

I went to the salon for an overdue groom and was as relaxed as I could be.  This was a gift from the Lord.  I went straight back to pick him up and arrived ten minutes before pickup (early- again!?! what is happening to me?) When I saw him, he had a dirty face and a dirty shirt, sand in his shoes, pink cheeks and a band of little boy sweat around his precious little noggin.  Priceless.  Just perfection.  
Then as if the day could not get any better, George called to say he was on his way home.  I would say it was early, but it was a day late.  He never came home last night.  A dinner and presentation in front of more than 50 VIPs and surgeons was followed by a return trip to the hospital to check on a patient in a lot of pain.  That trip turned into a surgery at 2:00AM, followed by his regular day of work on Thursday.  Two cases were cancelled for the afternoon, which allowed him to be on his way home at the same time as I picked George up from school.  So I told him to go home and get some rest and we would be back in an hour because I had planned to take little G out to lunch to celebrate his big brave boy day.  George said, "No way! I want to hear about his day and I am hungry too".  So he came and we all celebrated little George's first day of preschool together.  What a gift that was!  He was in the same clothes as he was in when he left the house Wednesday morning.  By the time lunch was over, both boys had their socks and shoes pulled off and guess who got to carry them.....ME!!! George looked at little George and said "Buddy you'll be in school from now till you are my age" Wow, now there's something to think about.  
So, not only did God give us the perfect day at preschool, out of his extravagance he also gave us togetherness at lunch of all times on this special milestone of a day.  What a surprise gift!
Matthew 7:11 "How much more will your father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him"

One final element
2 Cor 9:14-15 "And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you because of the surpassing grace God has given you.  Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift"
The prayers of others are the indescribable gift that I received today.  

#10- FUBU prayers ("for us by us" or "for me, by me") yes, you can pray for yourself, its ok.
#9-A good nutritious breakfast- thats for you Gra'ma
#8-Normal routine; however sweaty and stinky it may be
#7-Talk it out in comfortable setting
#6-Drop off plan and stick to it. Hug, kiss, wave- Get the heck outta dodge
#5-Activity to keep Mommy's mind occupied while she is away (such as a spa day or the like)
#4-Be on time at both ends- don't try to pack too much into the day
#3-Good, devoted teachers
#2-Wait for and even EXPECT extravagant gifts from the Lord
#1- Prayers of the saints in your life. 2 Cor 9:14-15

Thank you for all your prayers for us. They might have just been the #1 Element of a successful first day!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful day! Gonna re read when Will starts school!!
