Friday, August 16, 2013

Dimmers and Mailboxes

Saturday, July 27th happenings:
We arrived yesterday mid-afternoon.  This girl tackled the boxes and had us unpacked before 10:30 with only a short dinner break forced on me by George.  He went out and got us take out from a cute little place called Bristol Market.  They have fancy gourmet food.  I wanted to keep going at 10:30 but George said that I should save some energy for tomorrow so I acquiesced to his request and we had a great night's sleep. Awoke to the birds singing and a beautiful 65 degree morning.  Drank our coffee on our patio and both read a little before getting back to it. This is our only day to get the house ready before little George joins us.  He flies in with Lynn in the morning.  I miss him so much and can hardly wait for him to get here but I know once he does we will cease to do anything productive. So we got right to it. Re-organized furniture, pulled up old rugs, scrubbed the floors, put contact paper down in the kitchen (like my momma taught me) and found a good spot for everything. We are so full of thanks for God's provision and protection.  We are so so blessed to have this great little cottage to call our own this year. Its small but its all we need.  We have a home-base, a safe retreat, a place we can rest, recharge and be a family.  God even cares about the littlest things that others may see as unimportant.  He shows us everyday how much he cares about us and today I recognized that love in the form of dimmers and mailboxes.  My husband George has a thing for light dimmers.  Our old house had them and he swore that our forever home would have them too. Since he gets up SO early he likes to let his eyes adjust before flipping on a bright "angry" light as we call it (btw, he would never have survived as my dad's son because thats how dad woke us up every morning. He would flick the angry light on and off and sing).  Well wouldn't you know it, this house has something similar in the bathrooms. God loves George so much he would give him light dimmers.  And I have a thing about a mailbox.  It makes you feel like you have your  own spot. Nothing against P.O. boxes or apartment mail slots, its just one of  my things.  When I lived in my first place by myself, it was a townhouse in a huge development where I watched my backdoor neighbor have his morning cigarette. I had 20 neighbors that I could easily hear, see and/or smell but I had my own mailbox and it made it so much better. Well, God knows me and gave me my own mailbox.  Our cottage is someone's "back house" the "in-law suite" or "guest house" if you will.  I have never seen anything like it because we have our own address and our own mailbox even though we are on the main house's property.  I love that. Even though we rent and have a landlord and live in someone's back yard, its OK because we have a mailbox. I just love that God loves us so much that he would provide even the silliest things that he knows will make us smile. Just to see us smile. Praise God for dimmers and mailboxes!! So send me some mail why don't ya!

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