Friday, August 16, 2013

Time and Temperature

Time- It has not been that difficult to adjust ourselves to the time difference. I thought since we are three hours behind George would want to go to bed at 5 but be up by 3am, but our routine has become quite the opposite. He stays up later and sleeps later. Go figure!

Temp- So everyone is talking about how humid it is this week.  To me it feels like the mountains in early summer.  My hair behaves, I can step out of the house without the desire to immediately change clothes, my nose is kinda dry and my skin is a little itchy. I'm sorry California but- you. have. no. idea. what. humid. even. is....sorry. as. i. can. be.........

 Some funny tidbits and first week impressions:
On my morning run I saw a car stopped at a stop sign. Then I realized it had completely died and just sat there. No noise what so ever. I began to feel so bad for this person whose car had just pooped out on them and wondered what I could do to help when it just pulled away. "Whaaat?" I thought.....Then it hit me. Electric engine sounds....we are not in Kansas anymore, Toto.

There are parrots everywhere.  Yes, green and red repeat-after-me parrots. They are wild and there is a rumor that 50 years ago a pet store burned down and they survived. My husband, the bird lover, realized what they were immediately and I was skeptical. Parrots? No, cant be. But after wikipedia proved him right, we now know the deal with the parrots.  They are only in the South Pasadena area and are a little bit of a nuisance to be honest. They are so loud and wake us up at 6am on the dot. I can't even talk on the phone on our patio sometimes because of their squawking.

Pedestrians RULE around here. Twice today I have witnessed runners/walkers yelling at cars... "HEY" angry-clap-clap "Pay attention!!!!" clap-clap.  "Hello-this is a crosswalk"clap-clap

Today I think I broke my nose trying to get George's room right.  I had the thought that I need to move that humidifier before it falls on.....OUCH... that dang thing hit me smack dab in the bridge of the nose. yowza. broke the skin and bruised the heck out of myself. Glad I moved it before it hit little George though.

As I wrote an email to George's preschool director I tried to convey that we were so excited and anxious for school to start.  In my southern tongue I wrote that we are "chomping at the bit". Is that too southern? I erased it this time but next time I think I will use it.

Also today as Lynn and I walked with George down our street we met four strangers. One lady stopped me and pointed to my Durham running shirt and said, "Bull City, thats where we are from". I thought surely,  there must be another "bull city" in America but no, she and her husband had come to visit their friends who live on our street from Hillsborough, NC. Then, if that was not enough of a coincidence, the other couple told us about some "young" friends of theirs who live a few houses down from us. The husband works as a fellow at USC and did his residency at UNC.  They have a three year old boy. Whoa! This is literally our first walk in the neighborhood.

Biggest first impression: Everyone here is happy and nice.  The mailman, the trashman, the yardworker, the stay at home mom, the elderly...I've not met one rude person yet!

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