Sunday, August 18, 2013


Today I feel like I can get through this year.  Today I  met a friend. And life looks a little sweeter when you have a friend.  Let me introduce you.  George has a co-fellow named Tyler. Tyler has a wife and a 10 month old baby boy.  Tyler's wife is named Lauren.  Lauren is my friend.
George and Tyler are extremely similar. They met months ago as they trudged through California's crazy laws and licensing, as they made countless trips to CA to do a training here or have a badge made there. They joke about loosing count of the TB tests they have had done. They are both tall, slender, comb their hair to the side, and usually tuck in their shirts. They wear chacos when chillin' and look absolutely dapper when as they try to impress the boss.  They are both Southern; Tyler was born and raised in Memphis.  Both have sons named after them. Each has a purebred dog. Pretty similar huh? God is good because he put these two together. I am not sure either of them would have made it through the red tape and hoops of the California health care system without one another.  Well, if you think they are similar...let me introduce you to my friend Lauren.  She's about 5'5" dark hair, dark complexion, loves to exercise, loves cookies and ice cream just about as much and loves her son a million times more than either of these things.  This girl does not eat red meat but will eat fish.  She's funny and honest, organized and is the engine for their family through the crazy, tiresome resident/fellowship lifestyle. She likes a good cocktail but also knows the Johnny Appleseed blessing. She doesn't mind if Tac (her little one) eats a little dirt but swoops in like a momma hawk if he's in danger or his little feelings are hurt.  She's also southern, and a daddy's girl.  Hmmmm, sound familiar? Well, yes I would argue that George and Tyler are not even as similar as Lauren and I are.  Oh and the name, well thats just a coincidence but its a sweet reminder of the best sister in the world. Lauren also has sisters but she's the youngest (I guess there are a few differences). She's  an artist too. Obviously thats a difference, but I tend get along well with artists, don't you think LDH?
I could not be more thankful for her. I think we will be so good for each other this year.  We have already planned several outings that include beach trips and hiking/camping trips, the zoo, museums and concerts.  We also plan to babysit for each other for a little one-on-one time with our husbands.  Tuesday nights we plan to get together for dinner since George and Tyler will always be at "conference"- a meeting over dinner where they talk about hand surgery.

Never, ever take your friends for granted. They are a gift from God.  We need friends in this life and as much as an introvert as I am- I realize that more fully now. When we decided to come here I knew I would miss my friends back home. What I did not know, was just how much.  After just one week without someone's physical face to talk to I felt like I was about to go crazy.
Ps. 118 :1 Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, His love endures forever
I am thankful, Lord. Very very thankful.

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