Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fullness of Joy

Thou wilt show me the path of life in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11

Dad sent me that verse and I thought it perfect for today's entry. Today we went to a church that I think will fit our needs for this year.   I think I will just copy my journal entry for today as my post because I don't think I could recreate a more true feeling.

Thank you God for showing us the "path of life" through a meaningful church service, worship and a great sermon.  Thank you that when I feel empty or lonely or like I'm spinning my wheels or not doing enough, there in your presence is the FULLNESS of JOY.  All I have to do is abide in you to receive this fullness of joy. And I certainly feel the discord when I try to find that joy in other things- as I try to keep a clean, organized house, or as I try to stay in shape with a run everyday, as I try to please others or impress others...Forgive me God when I try to find that fullness of joy when if I would just look up at you I would have it.  Your right hand has all the pleasures I can fathom.  I asked you for friends (and others asked for me-thanks Susan) and I got Lauren. I asked you to find them a house and you found them a great spot (with a pool!) I asked you for a good church experience...done... I asked you for healing for friends' parents, you did it.  I asked you for more personal things for other friends and family and you did it God, you've answered SO many prayers. At thy right hand are most definitely pleasures forevermore.  
I am full of gratitude.  Lord, keep me on your path of life.  Guide me and be the lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Because I want that fullness of joy and those pleasures forevermore and I don't want to depend on anyone or anything else to give that to me.


  1. Sweet, sweet post. And thanks for the shout out! It encourages me to hear about all the Lord is doing out there in CA!
